Sick Architecture is a collaboration between Beatriz Colomina, e-flux Architecture, CIVA Brussels, and the Princeton University Ph.D. Program in the History and Theory of Architecture, with the support of the Rapid Response David A. Gardner ’69 Magic Grant from the Humanities Council and the Program in Media and Modernity at Princeton University.
- Beatriz Colomina, Iván López Munuera, Nick Axel, and Nikolaus Hirsch Editorial
- Mark Wigley Chronic Whiteness
- An Tairan Touching, Disease, and the Sacred Artifact
- Guillermo Sánchez Arsuaga Ellis Island: Architecture at the Service of Biopower
- Carrie Bly Mediums of Medicine: The Institute for Maritime and Tropical Diseases in Hamburg
- Rebecca Kellawan Normalizing Prejudice: Gold Rush Healthcare and the Rise of Modern Hospitals in San Francisco
- Shivani Shedde Housing the Poor for a Healthy Planet and Healthy Nation
- Victoria Bergbauer Prosthetic Village
- Kara Plaxa Boys will be Boys
- Elizabeth A. Povinelli The Virus: Figure and Infrastructure
- Iván López Munuera Lands of Contagion
- Gizem Sivri Desert Fever: Harvesting the Sun, Colonizing the Land
- Beatriz Colomina Diary of a Disease
- Fabiola López-Durán Fantasies of Whiteness
- Xhulio Binjaku Vitamin D Architecture
- Angela H. Brown The Immunocompromised Home
- David Gissen Disabling Form
- Marie de Testa Hysteria as Scenography
- Clemens Finkelstein Planetary Disequilibrium
- Edna Bonhomme Contagion on the Plantation
- Iason Stathatos Hunger Architecture
- Alexandra Sastrawati Depressed Worlds
- Brooke Holmes On the Nature of Plato’s Embodied City
- Jeremy Lee Wolin “The Finest Immigration Station in the World”
- Angelika Joseph Alcohol After the Apocalypse
- Nicholas Shapiro Manufactured Home Syndrome
- Maxwell Smith-Holmes Toxic Workplaces, Nuclear Homes, and Irradiated Landscapes
- Dante Furioso Sanitary Imperialism
- Meredith TenHoor Care Beyond Biopolitics
- Chenchen Yan The Birth of the Modern Sanatorium in China
- Holly Bushman Regel-ated Bodies
- Gideon Boie Models of Inclusion
- Patrick Jaojoco Autistic Spatiality and the Limits of Care
- Ibiayi Briggs Body Culture and Contrology
- Emily Apter Live Free or Die? Psychopolitical Infrastructures of Denialism