August 26, 2024–April 7, 2025
CAP Building
1250 14th St
Denver, CO 80202
United States
Hours: Monday–Friday 9am–4pm
T +1 303 315 1000
The fall 2024–spring 2025 lecture and exhibition series at CU Denver College of Architecture and Planning showcases an interdisciplinary cross-section of contemporary practitioners, including architects, historians, curators, preservationists, landscape architects, urban designers, and planners. This series is organized by Louise Bordelon, Priyanka deSouza, Sarah Hearne (Exhibition Chair), and Leyuan Li (Lecture Chair). All events are free, open to the public, and will be recorded unless otherwise specified. All lectures, unless specified, will start at 12:10pm (Mountain Time) and be held on the Second Floor Gallery of CU Building, 1250 14th St, Denver, Colorado. Visit our live calendar for updates and sign up for our mailing list to receive more information.
Monday, August 26, 12:10pm
Erin Besler, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Princeton School of Architecture and Co-Founder, Besler & Sons, LLC. Associated with the exhibition, In Stock: A Barn Raising in Two Parts, August 26–September 26, 2024. Performance and Opening, Barn Raising, August 27, 1-4pm in the CAP Annex Forecourt.
Monday, September 16, 5:30pm
Rick Sommerfeld, Associate Professor and Director of Colorado Building Workshop, University of Colorado Denver.
Monday, September 23, 4pm
M. Elen Deming, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning and Director of Graduate Program for the Doctor of Design, NC State University.
Thursday, October 3, 12:10pm
Brittany Utting and Daniel Jacobs, Assistant Professor, Rice University and Instructional Assistant Professor, University of Houston and Founders, HOME-OFFICE.
Thursday, October 10, 12:10pm
Kate Yeh Chiu, Director, Materials and Applications and Co-Founder, yyyy-mm-dd.
Thursday, October 24, 12:10pm
Catherine and Alec Garbini Historic Preservation Lecture: Jorge Otero-Pailos, Director and Professor of Historic Preservation at Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Columbia University and Founder, Otero-Pailos Studio.
Thursday, November 7, 6pm
Third Annual Mark Outman, FAIA Memorial Lecture: Thomas Phifer, Founder, Thomas Phifer and Partners.
Monday, January 27, 12:10pm
Feldberg Rourke Endowed Lecture: Jesús Vassallo, Associate Professor, Rice University.
Monday, February 3, 12:10pm
Feldberg Rourke Endowed Lecture: Sylvia Lavin, Professor, History and Theory of Architecture, Princeton University.
Monday, February 10, 12:10pm
Joseph Altshuler, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Principal and Co-Founder, Could Be Design.
Saturday, February 22, 10am
A Roundtable for Chinatowns, organized by Leyuan Li, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver and Founder, Office for Roundtable.
Monday, March 3, 12:10pm
Feldberg Rourke Endowed Lecture: Rossana Hu, Miller Professor and Chair of the Department of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania and Co-Founder, Neri&Hu Design and Research Office.
Monday, March 10, 12:10pm
Maria Luisa de Min Puggioni Endowed Lecture: Mariana Ordóñez Grajales and Jesica Amescua Carrera, Founders, Comunal: Taller de Arquitectura.
Monday, March 17, 12:10pm
Zeina Koreitem, Faculty, Southern California Institute of Architecture and Co-Founder, MILLIØNS.
Thursday, April 3, 12:10pm
Lisa Moffitt, Associate Professor of Architecture and Associate Director of the Graduate program, Carleton University. Associated with the exhibition, Architecture’s Model Environments, April 3–May 3, 2025
Monday, April 7, 12:10pm
José Ibarra, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver and Director, Studio José Ibarra.