January 18–April 17, 2024
CAP Building
1250 14th St
Denver, CO 80202
United States
Hours: Monday–Friday 9am–4pm
T +1 303 315 1000
The spring 2024 lecture and exhibition series at CU Denver College of Architecture and Planning showcases an interdisciplinary cross-section of contemporary practitioners, including historians, curators, landscape architects, urban designers, and urban planners. All events are free, open to the public, and will be recorded unless otherwise specified. Most lectures will be held on the Second Floor Gallery of CU Building, 1250 14th St, Denver, Colorado. Visit our live calendar for updates and sign up for our mailing list to receive more information.
Thursday, January 18, 12pm MT
Ana Miljački, Professor of Architecture and Director of SMArchS Programs and SMArchS AD Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Architecture and Planning
Monday, February 12, 12pm MT
Maria Luisa deMin Puggioni Endowed Lecture: Isabel Abascal, Co-Founder, LANZA. Arienzo Abascal
Thursday, February 15, 4:30pm MT
Gina Ford, Principal Landscape Architect and Co-Founder, Agency Landscape and Planning
Monday, February 19, 12pm MT
Feldberg Rourke Endowed Lecture: Jeannette Kuo, Co-Founder, Karamuk Kuo Architects
Thursday, February 29, 12pm MT
Ophélia Mantz & Rafael Beneytez-Durán, Co-Principals, Z4Z4 + Z4A
Thursday, March 28, 12pm MT
Lior Galili, Visiting Assistant Professor of Architecture, University of Colorado Denver College of Architecture and Planning
Monday, April 8, 12pm MT
Ken Andrews, Principal Architect, Arch11
Wednesday, April 10, 2pm MT
Table Manners: Cyrus Peñarroyo, Assistant Professor of Architecture, University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Wednesday, April 17, 12 pm MT
2023–2024 Exhibition Series: Amaia Sanchez-Velasco, Jorge Valiente Oriol, and Gonzalo Valiente Oriol, Co-Principals, GRANDEZA STUDIO