January 19–May 13, 2023
CAP Building
1250 14th St
Denver, CO 80202
United States
Hours: Monday–Friday 9am–4pm
T +1 303 315 1000
The Spring 2023 Lecture Series at CU Denver College of Architecture and Planning reflects on the ongoing climate crisis and its ecological and social dimensions by rethinking the roles and scopes of spatial disciplines and practices. The series features designers, architects, landscape architects, urban designers, urban planners, and geographers who take up these multi-scalar topics to reimagine the world. All events are free, open to the public, and will be recorded unless otherwise specified. Most lectures will be held on the Second Floor Gallery of CU Building, 1250 14th St, Denver. Visit our live calendar for updates and sign up for our mailing list to receive more information.
Thursday, January 19, 12pm MT
Michelle Chang, JaJa Co; Assistant Professor of Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design.
Thursday, February 2, 12pm MT
2022 Feldberg Rourke Endowed Lecture: Andrés Jaque, Office for Political Innovation; Professor and Dean, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.
Thursday, February 9, 12pm MT
Gwen Ottinger, Center for Science, Technology, and Society; Assistant Professor of Politics, Drexel University.
Monday, February 13, 12pm MT
Jorge Figueroa, Community Partnerships Administrator, Denver’s Office of Climate Action, Sustainability, and Resiliency.
Monday, February 20, 12pm MT
Assia Crawford, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver College of Architecture and Planning.
Thursday, February 23, 12pm MT
Andrew Curley, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona School of Geography, Development, and Environment.
Thursday, March 2, 12pm MT
Joyce Hwang, Ants of the Prairie; Associate Professor of Architecture and Director of Graduate Studies, University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning.
Monday, March 13, 12pm MT
2023 Feldberg Rourke Endowed Lecture: Keller Easterling, Enid Storm Dwyer Professor of Architecture and Director of the MED Program, Yale University School of Architecture.
Monday, March 27, 12pm MT
Rania Ghosn, Design Earth; Associate Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, MIT School of Architecture + Planning.
Wednesday, April 5, 12pm MT
Ozayr Salooje, (SAL-VO) Office/Workshop; Associate Professor of Architecture, Carleton University Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism.
Monday, April 10, 6pm MT
Office of Storytelling, Denver Human Rights & Community Partnerships. Reclaiming Denver’s Chinatown, film screening in conversation with Rowena Alegría, Emily Maxwell, and Roxana Soto.
Wednesday, April 12
Johannes Van Tilburg, Van Tilburg, Banvard & Soferbergh, AIA. CU Real Estate Symposium Keynote.