Application deadline: September 10, 2021
Opernring 17
1010 Vienna
Phileas is a philanthropic organisation based in Vienna, Austria, that enables ambitious projects within the field of contemporary art. Its activities focus primarily on international exhibitions by Austrian and Austrian-based artists.
Phileas co-produces new works and their presentation in museum exhibitions and biennials, as well as accompanying publications and symposia. Where possible, its support is extended to enable the acquisition of the works for public collections.
The deadline for applications for 2022 project collaborations is September 10, 2021. Applications must be submitted by institutions. Applicants will be informed of a decision in November 2021. For further details, please see our application form.
In addition to funding collaborations on exhibitions, Phileas provides curatorial assistance to museum and biennial curators and organises funded research trips to Austria to visit artists’ studios, foundations and museums. Phileas also assists museum trustee and patron groups with planning and organizing trips to Austria. Please contact visit [at] for further information.
Phileas was founded in 2014 by Jasper Sharp and Moritz Stipsicz. Its programme is managed by Margherita Belcredi, Hannah Marynissen, Christina Panholzer and Salvatore Viviano.
In 2021 Phileas is co-producing the following international projects:
–Ana Hoffner’s participation at the 5th Kochi-Muziris Biennale
–Angelika Loderer’s participation at the 5th New Museum Triennial
–Gernot Wieland’s participation at the 3rd Bienal de America del Sur
–Ines Doujak’s participation at the 11th Liverpool Biennial
–John Gerrard’s participation at the 13th Gwangju Biennale
–Philipp Fleischmann’s participation at the 34th Bienal de São Paulo
–(Artist to be announced) participation at the 17th Istanbul Biennial
–Friedl Kubelka vom Gröller’s exhibition at MACRO, Rome
–Katrin Hornek’s exhibition at ar/ge kunst, Bolzano
–Lazar Lyutakov’s exhibition at Simian, Copenhagen
–Paul Renner’s exhibition at the Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston
–Philipp Timischl’s exhibition at the Fondation Fiminco, Paris
–Sophie Thun’s exhibition at Kim? Contempoary Art Center, Riga
Phileas is funded primarily by the contributions of private individuals.
The following organisations and corporations also support our activities:
Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport
Belcredi & Partner
legero united – the shoemakers
Douglas Machat & Cie.
Gehrer Plötzeneder DDWS