June 7–21, 2024
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
P.O.Box, 8031 Zürich
The Zurich University of the Arts celebrates the diplomas 24! Opening: Thursday, June 6, with a welcome by Karin Mairitsch, President of the Zurich University of the Arts, at 5pm.
During the ZHdK Diploma Exhibition (June 7–21), the diploma works of the Bachelor and Master Fine Arts 2024 graduates will be on display in several rooms of the Toni Campus. Come by and be inspired!
Public guided tours
BA Fine Arts: Saturday, June 8, 2–3pm, guided by Martin Jaeggi.
Meeting point: Infodesk, entrance hall, Toni Campus.
MA Fine Arts: Saturday, June 8, 3–4pm, guided by the curators Elisa R. Linn and Ann-Kathrin Eickhoff.
Meeting point: Nordraum, 3.T06, Toni Campus.
Head of Bachelor Fine Arts (ad interim): Martin Jaeggi
Head of Master Fine Arts: Judith Welter
Head of Department of Fine Arts: Swetlana Heger