Pfingstweidstrasse 96
P.O.Box, 8031 Zürich
The Department of Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) has launched a new study programme: the Master’s Major in Art:ificial Studies will be offered for the first time from autumn 2025!
In the Master’s Major in “Art:ificial Studies,” you focus on the intersections between art, AI technologies, and society. The programme is centred around the question: How do technologies change our relationships with the world and with ourselves? In your studies, you use the instruments of art to engage with the expanding field of AI and other emerging technologies as well as the societal and cultural changes they propel. You reflect on how these technologies influence artistic production and learn to use tools with critical intent.
The master’s programme in Art:ificial Studies prepares you for a career in the multifaceted field of fine art. In your coursework, you study the interplay between artistic and technological developments. You strengthen your reflective, analytical, and conceptual thinking skills and sharpen the profile of your individual or collective artistic practice, which relates to new technologies. You define a personal stance of critical evaluation and open-ended experimentation that lends distinctive form to knowledge and aesthetics. You present your artistic work in a variety of public contexts. In addition to pursuing your personal or collaborative practice in our studios, participating in seminars and group critiques as well as excursions in Switzerland and abroad are part of your full-time programme of study. In dialogue with the international faculty and guests, you strengthen your network in the field of contemporary art.
The Master Fine Arts Information Day will take place on November 18, 2024, 1 pm in hybrid form (online and on-site at the ZHdK Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zurich).
The deadline for registration for the Master’s Major in Art:ificial Studies is February 24, 2025. You can find all the information about the course structure and entry requirements on our website.