Application deadline: January 22, 2024
Schlossstrasse 31
63065 Offenbach Hesse
T +49 69 800590
The Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main (HfG), Art Academy in Hessen, Germany is seeking to fill a professorship position (BesGr. W2) in the Drawing department for the winter semester of 2024/25.
The HfG Offenbach is an Art and Design University, which is able to award doctorate degrees. The HfG Offenbach is a contemporary and future-oriented learning institute, with both art and design departments. The school defines itself by it providing an environment for an interdisciplinary exchange across diverse free, applied and theoretical areas of study.
We are looking for an artist (f, m, d) with an international profile and an artistically relevant body of work, which represents drawing as both a classical medium, as well as in its contemporary iterations. Sought, is a person with an awareness of the various skills associated with the drawing medium in a traditional sense, as well as be able to convey its essence (in analog and/or digital format) in the context of contemporary art. The critical analysis of the social dimensions of art, and other relevant discourses is expressly encouraged as part of the teaching philosophy at the HfG.
The responsibilities of this position include practical as well as experimental teaching, the supervision of students in the Bachelor of Fine Arts, and Master of Fine Arts degree programs (both with and without theoretical specialization). Supervision of the remaining diploma program attendants, and the studio practice of doctoral candidates in the doctoral program. Interaction with the other artistic-creative and theoretical-scientific subjects at the institution is desired. Participation in the university’s self-governing bodies is a requirement. In addition, the design and organization of the teaching structure is expected. Working language is German.
Qualifications: a University degree in Fine Arts is usually required, noteworthy artistic achievements, several years of artistic practice, pedagogical aptitude, and teaching experience is desirable.
The recruitment requirements according to section 67, 68 HHG apply. The full-time position—teaching load 18 SWS (semester week hours)—is initially limited to a six-year contract; a later renewal to tenured professorship is possible and will be considered. The position can be part-time and/or split with another person if desired.
Diversity is important to us. We are committed to equal opportunities and equal participation in working life. An open and sensitive approach to diversity and equality issues is a prerequisite. We strive for a balanced gender ratio in all status groups. We will therefore give preference to women* with equivalent suitability, aptitude and professional performance. We welcome applications from persons of all nationalities, people of color, black people and applicants with a history of flight or family migration. People with disabilities within the meaning of Section 2 (2) SGB IX will be given preferential consideration if they have the same qualifications. The HfG Offenbach supports the compatibility of career and personal life situations.
We look forward to receiving your application together with the appropriate documents via our online portal by January 22, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Gunter Reski (reski [at]
The gathering and processing of your personal data for the specific purpose of carrying out the application procedure is based on section 23 of the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act (HDSIG). Information with regard to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) can be found at datenschutz [at] Once the procedure has been completed, the personal data will be deleted in accordance with data protection regulations.
To the President of the Offenbach University of Art and Design, Schlossstr. 31, D-63065 Offenbach am Main. Website.