Application deadline: November 15, 2019
Carrera 7 # 6b-30
Bogota D.C., Cundinamarca
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 9am–5pm
Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria, is a monument to the Colombian peace process conceived by artist Doris Salcedo. During the negotiations that led to the signing of the peace agreement between the former FARC guerilla and the Colombian government in 2016, it was decided that three monuments would be created from the weapons handed over by the FARC. In Bogota, Doris Salcedo conceived an anti-monument, whose foundation is made from nearly 9,000 melted weapons. Salcedo invited a group of women, victims of sexual violence during Colombia’s 53 year long armed conflict, to hammer out the design for the floor. Fragmentos acts as both a conceptual and physical platform for memory and the processing of conflict, which are universal themes.
In August 2019 we began a programme of site-specific commissions for the space, with work related to conflict. We would like to open this up to local and international artists for an exhibition in the second half of 2020.
Fragmentos is one of the largest spaces for the exhibition of contemporary art in Colombia, with over 800m2 of exhibition space, including one large gallery with a ceiling height of over 10m.
Call for applications
Opening date: September 11, 2019
Closing date: November 15, 2019
Announcement of results: November 20, 2019
Amount: up to 160 million Colombian pesos including production, and artist fees. (approximately 49,000 USD)
Exhibition length: At least three (3) months and with a maximum duration of five (5) months, during the second half of 2020. (Exact dates to be agreed with Fragmentos)
Note: Fragmentos will provide funds and expertise for the exhibition of the winning proposal (exhibition design, technicians for installation). All production, and materials used for production, must be covered by the artist out of the prize money.
The Jury will be composed of:
Taiyana Pimentel, Curator at Large, Fragmentos, and Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Monterrey
Maria Belen Saenz de Ibarra, Director of the Museum of the National University of Colombia
Jennifer Burris, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media, Singapore, and Independent Curator
With the support of Kristina McLean, Director, Fragmentos
Here is the link to the application form.
Please read the application guidelines attached carefully before filling out the application form. If you have any issues with your application please write to info [at]