Carrera 7 # 6b-30
Stolen Lives
Open to the public until August 1, 2021
In order to commemorate all the people who have violently died during the civil protest in Colombia between 2019 and 2021, Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria, in alliance with Cuestión Pública and the Dirección de Patrimonio Cultural de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, presents Stolen Lives, an urgent action curated by María Belén Sáez de Ibarra, and Doris Salcedo. This exhibition gathers the faces and stories of 56 confirmed mortal victims, which have been documented until Wednesday May 20, 2021. Stolen Lives is a desperate lament caused by the unnecessary loss of lives, forcing us to reflect, and to rethink us as society.
Open call for an artistic intervention
Deadline: September 15, 2021
The 2021 Fragmentos’ call invites plastic, visual or transdisciplinary artists with more than 15 years of experience to postulate their artistic proposals related to Colombian internal armed conflict, international wars, victim’s memories, and peace construction, including experiences of peace treaties, and reconciliation processes in Colombia, as well as other countries. The proposal must respect and dialogue with the counter-monument created by Doris Salcedo in 2017.
Registration of the proposal: All participants must complete the electronic and digital registration through this link.
Proposals must be submitted no later than 5pm CST of the deadline date of the call. Proposals sent after this time will be automatically rejected.
Download open call terms and conditions here.
Ana María Millán: Mesa Verde
In September 2021, Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria, presents its 2019 open-call winning project.
Mesa Verde, an exhibition by Ana María Millán, Las Andariegas, and Tarsila Beita, shows the result of one year of research. The project began with an exploration of role-playing games and ended with the creation of a video game. Mesa Verde addresses the relationship between animation politics, digital culture, subcultures, gender, and propaganda.
The exhibition will be open to the public until December 2021.
About Fragmentos
Conceived as a counter-monument in 2017 by the artist Doris Salcedo in Bogotá (Colombia), Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y Memoria is simultaneously a living artwork, a space of artistic exhibition, and reflection about multiple memories of the conflict.
The artwork consists of a structure whose floor was made out of 37 tons of FARC-EP’s melted weapons, and counted with the participation of female victims of sexual violence during the armed conflict in Colombia. This space of commemoration is free and open to the public, welcoming diverse artistic lectures that re-elaborate various memories about conflicts, as well as allowing the construction of a collective vision of the future.
Fragmentos is a public space managed by the Museo Nacional de Colombia located in Bogotá, in the Carrera 7th n.° 6b-30.
In case you require additional information about the schedule, please write to mariza [at]