3001 Leuven (Heverlee)
Hours: Monday–Friday 1–4pm
The International Center for Urbanism (formerly International Center of Urbanism) iterates between design research and intervention and between planning considerations and policy recommendations. It is collaborative and persistent. It engages the global and unfolds local expertise to address the major issues the world is facing. It propagates a new urbanism that simultaneously is aware of acute global challenges and radically resists generic solutions. In order to do so, the center explores urbanism through four predominant lenses that structure its research and education programmes:
Urbanism x Architecture: Novel morphologies and typologies for changing demographics and new programs for living, working, producing and recreating
Urbanism x Inclusion: Foregrounding the lived experiences of marginalised groups and the activism of grassroots movements
Urbanism x Landscape: Addressing the contemporary existential ecological crisis by understanding larger territorial systems
Urbanism x Planning: Investigating the potential of socially innovative practices to challenge socio-spatial dynamics of capitalist urbanization