Advanced Master of Human Settlements and Advanced Master of Urbanism, Landscape & Planning
November 1, 2024–June 1, 2025
Kasteelpark Arenberg 1
3001 Leuven (Heverlee)
Hours: Monday–Friday 1–4pm
T +32 16 32 88 94
There are two post-graduate programs offered by the International Center for Urbanism (ICfU). Both programs are taught by KU Leuven faculty engaged in the research groups OSA (Urbanism and Architecture) and P&D (Planning and Development), as well as a host of international guests and alumni. Both programs run in parallel with these elaborate doctoral programs in urbanism, landscape and planning, where teaching and research is alternated with intensive seminars (amongst which is the annual World Urbanisms Seminar in June), fieldwork and workshops. They are embedded in a lively environment that combines research and design with practice through international urban and landscape projects, planning initiatives and policy formulations.
The Master of Human Settlement (MaHS) is a two-semester, 60-credit course. It addresses rapid urbanisation and contemporary urban transformations. The intensive programme examines the multi-faceted challenges facing contemporary human settlements worldwide while focusing on individual development using a critical and interpretative approach and positioning oneself within the field.
The Master of Urbanism, Landscape and Planning (MaULP) is a four-semester, 120-credit course. As socio-political, economic and environmental inequity are sharply on the rise, the program focuses on multifaceted and multi-scalar solutions to issues such as social exclusion, unequal distribution of resources and spatial contradictions, while reflecting the multiple and transcultural expressions of urbanism worldwide.
To learn more about the programs or follow-up on the latest news, events, alumni and student work, make sure to visit our website and follow us on social media.
All application instructions can be found here. Applications for the programs are open till June 1, 2025, however, please note the following:
Non-EEA nationals must apply by March 1, 2025, EEA nationals must apply by June 1, 2025, VLIR-UOS Scholarship applications (only for the Master of Human Settlements) must be submitted by February 1, 2025.