An independent academic program
March 4–May 21, 2025, 7pm
Calle Santa Balbina n6
28023 Madrid Comunidad de Madrid
Hours: Monday–Friday 11am–9pm
Affective Ecologies is an online training, beginning March 4, 2025, in critical affective theory and contemporary ecology from the academic and the personal. We propose a learning environment from which to observe and experience the affective realities that move us in relation to design and contemporary ecology in a changing world.
Through a journey, accompanied by international teachers, you will have the opportunity to relate your own affections with the environment you are building, whether it is a personal or professional project in the field of art and design, urban planning, or architecture and landscape.
What will you learn in Affective Ecologies? Throughout the ten sessions you will:
–Affectively observe the environments where you are developing, whether it is a creative project, a research, a doctoral thesis, a work or a change in your life.
–Establish new relationships between bodies, objects and other beings, and how they are composed affectively.
–To know the affective critical theory, its main authors and most prominent authors, and their works.
–To train yourself to be able to share what you have learned with your students, colleagues, or your audiences.
–Practice what you have learned in your project, research, etc.
–Produce an observation of yourself that you have probably never experienced before.
–Open up new possibilities for you, in the environments of design, thinking, art, ecology, architecture or landscape.
–Intertwine intuitive, imaginative and rational knowledge. An opportunity for development and application in your professional field.
–Develop specific tools for listening, intuition, presence and emotional bonding.
Beginning March 4, the sessions will take place two days (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) every 15 days, until May 21.
Guest professors invited for this fourth edition
Marco Martela: he is the author of books such as “Gardens in times of war”, “Fleurs” and “The lost garden”, all published by Elba in Spain. He is editor of the prestigious Journal Jardins de France.
Paula Bruna is a researcher, artist and environmentalist. D. in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona with the thesis Art and political ecology, a journey from the anthropocentric model to the realities of non-humans. She is a Leonardo BBVA 2023–25 scholarship. In recent years, she has been researching on the shaping of the Anthropocene story from a non-human point of view, through a combination of science, fiction and art.
Alexandre Delmar is a visual artist and co-founder of A recolectora. In the interchange between photography, video, sound, drawing, text and installation, we manage to find an aggregate core, around which all his projects seem to gravitate: “places of relationship and communication” between the animal, vegetable and mineral world; “places of recovery” where the modes and dynamics of the primordial, the ancient, the ancestral, the myth and the magical are reflected; to the “places of pulsation” and between existence, loss and what is to come.
The academic direction and main teacher of the training is Professor Mauro Gil-Fournier. Doctor of Architecture. Associate Professor ETSAM (UPM). Professor Master of Cities (UOC) and International Chair Professor (TEC de Monterrey).
Finally, affective ecologies is a place where we can open ourselves to dare to explore the world from our own sensibility. Affective theory is, for this academic title, finding the place in the world from which we are able to observe, investigate and practice our personal way of life. Doing theory is nothing more than giving ourselves permission to think a different life.