28023 Madrid Comunidad de Madrid
Hours: Monday–Friday 11am–9pm
Affective Architectures College’s mission is to build and inspire spaces in society to open and realize the creative projects of people, organizations and communities with more affective criteria for the planet.
It develops interdisciplinary thinking, research and action to help new generations anticipate a more affective future with people, other beings and living things.
The first mission of Affective Architectures College is to promote the importance of affect in creativity, design, architecture, urbanism, art and landscape for a different society.
The second thing is that we develop an “affective pedagogy of creativity” because to create in a free, unprejudiced and more inspired way we need to free inner and personal spaces where everyone can feel that they are able to connect with multiple creative sources, and with a different human and planetary experience.
Affective Architectures College’s is now an independent & online academic program.