Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana
Zoisova cesta 12
SI- 1000 Ljubljana
The 2024 LINA Open Call sought to find emerging spatial practitioners, thinkers, and creatives to become LINA fellows. Individuals and teams were invited to apply with their radical idea, practical solution, theoretical insight or thought-provoking practice addressing the environmental crisis.
The platform received 337 eligible submissions, from which 25 outstanding proposals were selected; their authors are invited to participate in the LINA fellow programme in the upcoming year.
The 2024 LINA fellows
Adam Przywara, Poland / Atelier Remoto + Jacopo Biffi (AlteSfere), Italy / Diāna Mikāne and Paula Veidenbauma, Latvia / docar., France / girlscanscan collective, Hungary / Irena Uebler, Portugal / kuidas.works, Estonia / Lab212 Collective, France / Liisa Ryynänen, Finland / Loris L. Perillo + Andrea Arcese, Italy / Lucille Leger & Jacques-Marie Ligot, France / make a stuffed bird laugh, Germany / Mary Konstantopoulou, Marvina Sinjari, Maria Tanasescu, Greece / NAA! (Netherlands Angry Architects), Netherlands / NGO Urban Reform, Ukraine / Olímpia Solà Inaraja, Spain / Pavilion of Culture, Ukraine / Planting Solidarity Co., Portugal / Radio Otherwise, Germany / re-city, Georgia / Rubble, Ireland / SONDER (Peter Behrbohm & Anton Steenbock), Germany / szabadonbalaton x gubahámori, Hungary / ToC Creative Hub, Armenia / Vang-Anh Tran, Zhuo Chen, Wing Nga Tam, Poland.
The LINA fellows programme
Featured LINA fellows will present themselves and their work at the 2024 LINA Conference, where they will get the chance to network with LINA member organisations and forge collaborations in the LINA Architecture Programme, a series of activities taking place all over Europe throughout the year.
However, any one of the authors that have applied to the LINA Open Call and are eligible to collaborate can become a LINA fellow on invitation by a member organisation.
LINA Conference: Community-Led Architecture
The event, taking place on October 3, will be immersed in Sarajevo, taking inspiration from its community-led approaches in architecture with speakers Meriem Chabani, Mickaël Labbé, Léopold Lambert, Dunja Krvavac, and Irhana Šehović. Participation is free and no registration is reuqired, the event will also be streamed online.