A Few in Many Places
May 8–August 8, 2021
Exhibition across six cities: Seoul, Bangkok, Istanbul, New York, Santurce, Guatemala City. Co-curated by Mari Spirito and Abhijan Toto, A Few In Many Places includes collaborators Gahee Park, Ikhyun Gim, Miji Lee, Welcome to Ogasawara (Hyun Woomin, Min Guhong Manufacturing, Park Daham, Yuri An, Yun Cho), Komtouch Dew Napattaloong, Thanart Rasanon, Alper Turan, Zeynep Kayan, Kathryn Hamilton, Deniz Tortum, Lila Nazemian, Vartan Avakian, Kristine Khouri, Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh, Embajada, Pluma Bárbara Moreno, Jorge González Santos, Esvin Alarcón Lam, Antonio Pichillá, Camilla Juárez.
Protocinema presents A Few In Many Places, a multi-city group exhibition that addresses cycles of violence, through various forms of collectivity. Taking place in Seoul, Bangkok, Istanbul, New York, Santurce, and Guatemala City, all of these interventions use sustainable exhibition-making models of reducing exploitation (of natural resources, labor, and knowledge) and consumption (no shipping or flying). This year, collaborators present works on continuing inequalities happening in both physical and digital realms. Developed by Protocinema in 2020, A Few In Many Places maintains a foot in physical real life, small, and safe get-togethers in each community while utilizing far-reaching digital support structures, to be both hyper-local and globally interconnected. More info here.
Permanent Spring, Delayed Bloom: Protocinema open air screening tour 2021
Ongoing through September
Minia Biabiany, Hera Büyüktaşçıyan, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Emre Hüner, Ahmet Öğüt, Deniz Tortum & Kathryn Hamilton, Curated by Asli Seven
Tbilisi, Georgia, Why Not Gallery, in the park, Saturday, June 26, sunset; Çanakkale, Turkey: sub, Friday, July 23, 8pm; Chios Island, Greece, DEO Projets, August 10, 9:30pm; Diyarbakır: Loading, Friday, September 3, 9pm; İzmir, Turkey: Darağac, Friday, September 10, 9pm; Antalya, Turkey: ARE Projects, Sunday, September 12, 9pm; Skroda, Albania: Art House, September, exact date to follow; Istanbul, Turkey: Protocinema, September, exact date to follow; Prizen, Kosovo: Lumbardhi, September, exact dates to follow. More info here.
Once Upon a Time Inconceivable
September 4–October 29, 2021
Abbas Akhavan, Hera Büyüktaşçıyan, Banu Cennetoğlu, Ceal Floyer, Gülşah Mursaloğlu, Zeyno Pekünlü, Paul Pfeiffer, Amie Siegel, Mario Garcia Torres
Protocinema is happy to announce Once Upon a Time Inconceivable, a group exhibition on the occasion of its ten-year milestone, cross-examining the pair of perception and realization; and their impairments in relation to time and space. The exhibition and public programs will take place at and with the kind collaboration of Beykoz Kundura, a cultural hub formerly a factory site of various mass-manufactures from the Ottoman Era to the present day, situated on the north-east coast of the Bosphorus, Istanbul. More info here.
ProtoZine: A Few In Many Places
The publication accompanying the exhibition A Few In Many Places, ProtoZine is available in print across our sites and digitally at protocinema.org.
Taking off from the collective nature of the project, A Few In Many Places, and its concerns, ProtoZine produces a context of exchange and speculation towards future forms of practice. It brings together contributions from the collaborators as well as other experts in other fields to respond to the challenges of our current situations while also connecting our far-reaching locales. This edition of ProtoZine is launched with the texts by the curatorial group Collective Rewilding (Sara Garzón, Ameli Klein, and Sabina Oroshi), philosopher Erik Bordeleau and a collaborative essay connecting pairings of interventions (Santurce and Istanbul) and five collaborators Kathryn Hamilton/Deniz Tortum, Zeynep Kayan, Jorge González, Mari Spirito. The second edition of ProtoZine for A Few In Many Places will be launched in July and include collaborative texts by Miji Lee and Ikhyun Lee with Esvin Alarcon Lam and Abhijan Toto with Lila Nazemian. More info here.
Press inquiries: Alper Turan, alper [at] protocinema.org / T +49 17670518587 / +90 5068706808
Protocinema is a cross-cultural, mission-driven art organization, commissioning and presenting site-aware art in Istanbul, New York, and elsewhere. We produce context-specific projects of the highest artistic quality that are accessible to everyone. Protocinema evokes empathy towards an understanding of difference, across regions through exhibitions, educational public programming, and mentorship. Protocinema maintains long-term relationships with artists nurturing sustained growth. Founded by Mari Spirito in 2011, Protocinema is a registered 501(c)3, free of “brick and mortar,” sites vary to respond both to global concerns and changing conditions on the ground.
Protocinema is supported by FfAI - The Foundation for Arts Initiatives; The Cowles Charitable Trust, New Jersey; 601 Artspace, New York; American Chai Trust, New York; Hagop Kevorkian Center, NYU, New York, Goethe Institut, Bangkok; Art Council Korea; Gallery VER, Bangkok, Para La Naturaleza, La Reserva Guatoc, Estrellita B. Brodsky, Yola Colon, Michy Marxuach, Ernesto Pujol, Ismael Colón, Enrique Bayoán Ríos Escribano. Consulate of Mexico in Istanbul for Mario García Torres’; EVA International - Ireland’s Biennial of Contemporary Art for Zeyno Pekünlü