Copenhagen Architecture Festival
If you leave Copenhagen to the west and turn right at Lego, pass the Queen of Denmark, Miss Piggy and the shopping center, turn left when you imagine the invisible solar panels, the decentralised data centres and the post-theme park, pass the Pixel Farming and the pigs and then, when you see the flooded valley, you are in SUBUNBIA. You’ll be amazed how it changed. And you’ll be amazed, that we didn’t only pray, solar and wind ourselves out of this bloody mess. There was more‼️ Come watch TV!
This week with Sandra Bartoli & Silvan Linden, Jesper Pagh, Curt Liliegreen, Christopher Roth, Deane Simpson, Jakob Brandtberg Knudsen, Stine Dalager Nielsen, Archie Cantwell, Charles Bessard, Christine Bjerke, TamaraKalantajevska, KADK’s Urbanism and Societal Change-ers in DØM:
Emily Hadley, Anders Vikse, Gabriella Arrland, Anna Jo Banke, Daniel Kragskov, Inga Skjulhaug, Arendse Thougaard Steensberg, Sara Emilsson, Julie Marie Madsen, Elise Schultz, Christian Nygaard Schmidt, Anna Wahlen, Cassandra Salehi Hammerstad, Cecilie Nielsen, MengyunHe, Shasha Ye, Daiki Chiba, Luca Fauciglietti, Anastasia Horomidis, Liese Mortreu, and many more…
You’ll find more about the polite hack in the “about” section.
And: this has something to do with the Danish / German friendship year!
What else?
Copenhagen Architecture Festival collaborates with Emergency Architecture & Human Rights (EAHR) and Think-Fast: A collective urban response to COVID-19 on five talks on Pandemic Resilient Cities.
The talks will focus on the role and positionality of Architects and Planning Practitioners in preparing for Pandemic Resilient Cities where basics such as access to safe housing, space, clean air, food and water is not considered a privilege but a basic Human Right .
While everyone will be affected by the challenges emerging from the current crisis, the impact is hitting hard on the most vulnerable ones: the elderly population, migrants, displaced populations, slum dwellers and the so-called ‘low-skilled’ workforce, who rely solely on their everyday income. However, these vulnerabilities aren’t new and were not merely caused by the Pandemic, but gradually accumulated by multiple political, economic, social and spatial factors, that reduced our preparedness for such a scenario and left Millions of people vulnerable to health crises and disasters.
We are sharing the belief that the fields of Architecture and Planning have a high contribution in mitigating the next pandemic and increasing urban resilience. It is for this reason that we are introducing a series of 5 talks to bring experts from the built environment, the health sector and the humanitarian sector into conversation to debate and answer questions around the following topics:
Disasters and Pandemic
Health Infrastructure
Urban living: Density & Pandemics
Human Rights & Contested cities
resulting in a collectively developed Manifesto on Pandemic-Resilient cities.
The next five Fridays starting on May 29 we will publish a new video discussing these issues with key actors in the field. Keep updated here:
Copenhagen Architecture Festival & Emergency Architecture & Human Rights & THINK-FAST: A Collective Urban Response to COVID-19