Tokyo 104-0031
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 10am–6pm,
Friday 10am–8pm
The Artizon Museum, Ishibashi Foundation, formerly known as the Bridgestone Museum of Art, opened in January 2020 as a new museum at the same location, Kyobashi, Tokyo. The new name ARTIZON was coined by combining the words ART and HORIZON, to reflect our determination to imapart a sense of this horizon of pioneering art to people. The concept of the museum is “experiencing crativity”. In addition to the Impressionists and Japanese Western-style paintings from the modern period for which Ishibashi Foundation Collection has been renowned, new acquisitions include post war Abstract paintings and early Japanese arts from the Edo period, enlarging the breadth and depth of the collection. These additions to the colleciton make it possible to mount exhibitions that cover ancient to contemporary art. The Artizon Museum is located at the lower section of the 23-story “Museum Tower Kyobashi” and the galleries comprise of three floors with the latest equipment, to present the varied pleasures of art.