August 24–September 1, 2024
Nordwestbahnstraße 16
1200 Vienna
The Vienna Architecture Summer School (VAS²) aims to provide an open learning space and prototypical infrastructure for the exchange and negotiation of knowledges in architecture, reaching beyond dominating institutions and mainstream discourses. VAS² invites local and international participants to exchange with young architects and established experts all practicing in Vienna and beyond.
The 9-day full-time program is based on diverse spatial approaches that are to be discussed in different formats and media: design workshops, lectures, theory sessions, discussions, walks, explorations, site visits, performances and an exhibition. We seek to develop alternative models and approaches for education and design in architecture that are equally shaped by organizers, participants and guests.
The call for applications is open to students, graduates and drop-outs in architecture and other related disciplines, willing to engage with space-related topics, peers and invited guests in a common workshop setting complemented by lectures, excursions and gatherings.
by Helvijs Savickis & Julia Obleitner
Seize the Clay
by Young Earth Builders
Feral Futures: Speculations on Landscape
by Nico King
Beyond Buildings
by K O S M O S architects
Embodied Synthesizer: An xR Dance Workshop
by Paula Strunden
Dumb Emancipatory Architecture. Dumb Emancipatory City Planning.
by Büro Bietenhader Moroder with Davide Battel
Knotting Knots
by atelier ehrmann:gruber
Odd Hours
by Jerome Becker and Simon Lynen
(un)building Architecture?
by Marlene Wagner
Water Under the Bridge
by Jakob Sellaoui
Mapping Mobilities
by Tracing Spaces
Street Swap
by Viki Sandor and Mathias Bank
Lectures by Elke Krasny, Claudia Bosse, PPAG architects, Total Refusal.
Workshops and lectures will be held in English. All other languages are welcome to be shared informally.
The Summer School fee is 180 EUR, including a welcome dinner, excursion and specific workshop materials. Participants are expected to organize and pay for their own travel and accommodation. VAS² is a self-organized summer school without a big institution in the background. We can offer you such a level of professionalism and autonomy only with your participation fee. Nevertheless, we are happy to assist you with planning your stay.
Applicants are asked to fill out the online application form no later than July 24, 2024. As soon as we receive your application we will get back to you immediately. Please note that the number of participants is limited.
After the closing of the open call all confirmed participants will be informed about the workshop to which they have been accepted. We would like to mention that we are not able to guarantee a slot in the workshop of first choice. Nevertheless, we will respect your named priorities as much as possible.
For further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.