Avenue de Châtelaine 5
1203 Geneva
The CCC Master—Critical Curatorial Cybermedia is a bilingual research program (English/French). It is based on the porosity and transversality between artistic and curatorial practices, various forms of public sharing, knowledge production, as well as circulation and dissemination generated through research by the means of art.
Drawing on artistic and curatorial methods of investigation, the program invites students to engage with individual and collective research projects intended for the artistic scene as much as the academic and scientific world or even civil society. The dual address of artistic and curatorial is determinant of a necessary transdisciplinarity within the program’s pedagogy, with an emphasis on the establishment of a critical dialogue with the humanities and the sciences through the prism of decolonial, intersectional feminist and queer theory.
The CCC-curriculum is built around a set of seminars that invite individual and collective discussion. : Research Practices and Situated Art Practices develops project-related forms that articulate research into specific public appearances such as exhibition and publications. Further seminars in Theory Fiction, Critical Studies, Political Studies and Curatorial Politics are constitutive for students’ research. Students here learn about new concepts, encounter unfamiliar thoughts, test new ideas, and develop working protocols for conceiving project-specific research methods.
During the two-years graduate studies, the CCC Research Master helps the candidates—collectively and individually—render a more precise voice from within their project by the means of art and visual research, text-work and self-reflection. This approach includes a critical reflection on where the “research in arts” debate is today and how it is articulated with research cultures in a broader sense. By building its pedagogy on the idea of trans-disciplinarity, the CCC Research Master invites students of art and non-art backgrounds with different practices, geographies, languages, and work-approaches to process an original research proposal in the context of an art school. The Programme provides an environment for the participants to develop their own working methodology over two years, articulating their research into an artistic, cultural and/or curatorial project and a Thesis.
Art-led research processes develop and take place through both practice-led theory and art/curatorial practices. Accordingly, the programme addresses issues in critical visual cultural production, while also stretching into fields of geopolitics, visual economics, science and technology. Research materials from intersectional feminist practices, political theory, cultural studies, postcolonial theory, politics of memory, contemporary art, architecture, design, filmmaking and aesthetic investigation.
The current faculty includes Çağla Aykaç, Kodwo Eshun, Alex Gence, Basim Magdy, Federica Martini, Doreen Mende, Anne-Julie Raccoursier, Gene Ray, Loreleï Regamey.
Guests for 2023/24 include Noor Abu Arafeh, Chiara Bertola, Giulia Bini, Sarah Bissen, Cécile Boss, Liryc Dela Cruz, Marcelline Delbecq, Chloé Démétriadès, Max Leo Hauri, Helvetropicos, Marysia Lewandowska, Macaco Press, Noémi Michel, Fiamma Montezemolo, Camilla Paolino, Nataliya Tchermalykh.Past curricula and further information about the program can be found here and you can follow us on Instagram @ccchead.
The next admissions information session for the CCC will take place online March 5. You can sign up here.
Visit here for more information about the admissions process and application.