Open call
Application deadline: March 25, 2023
Big world small room. The in:dépendance is no more no less the dependance building of the Furkablick hotel. The building served the hotel. It gave roof to the personnel, and it gave space to needs on maintenance and storage.
One room with tables. Another with chairs. Sometimes a room with tables and chairs. And other with dressoirs and tables. Again, another with matrasses and spring boxes. And another one with closets full of porcelain and cutlery. Military blankets, duvets, chairs, endlessly. Sometimes well stacked. Sometimes a little messy. So, overview was the advantage but also surprise came once and while.
Like the first two months of our stay, we unfolded all. In different waves of intensity. We unfolded by shuffling it at all and many times forwards and backwards and again backward and forwards. To free but also install one by one the twelve rooms available. First six. Then like nine. Finally, twelve. From rooms with one bed to two beds. Single beds and double beds. And a dining room. And a living room. And a kitchen. And a shower room. And even a vestibule.
But what is that? The idea of in:dépendance. Maybe it is however stating the idea of independency at the same time not at all about independency. Cause what it all is about today is not at all about independency. It is about responsibility. Which is maybe on one hand given better chance by defining a position of independency but on the other hand exactly about being involved as a higher level of depending on. It is an active level of dependency rather than just being depending on.
But it is at the same time about action with an attitude of refraining. It is about interfering rather than overtaking at all. About initiating rather than concluding at all. About intermediating rather than processing at all. IN is INTER and INI. In:dépendance.
How to engage? What is attitude? When is enough? In:dépendance is about that. And after that enabling so much more.
Open call
Next year. Rather five times ten days. And some recovery in between. Because it is intense. So intense. But so good.
In:dépendance is a residency program of Universum Carrousell Journey, Chair of Professor Jan de Vylder at ETH Zürich. In:dépendance will be running from July 1 to September 4 in form of group or individual ten-days sojourn.
Send your application by March 25 to furka [at] Details and application form here.