Vadim Fiskin: Another Speedy Day
10 June - 6 November 2005
Opening: Fri., 10 June 2005, 6.30 p.m.
Slovenian Pavilion
Galleria A A
San Marco, Calle Malipiero 3073
30124 Venice
T 0039 041 2770466
F 0039 041 2770466
info [at]
Commissioner: Zdenka Badovinac
Co-comissioner: Igor Zabel
Vadim Fiskin (1965) represented Russia at the Venice Biennale ten years ago. In the 1990s he settled in Slovenia and continued his international carrier. This year he is representing Slovenia at the 51. Venice Biennale with his project Another Speedy Day.
Fiskin was one of the main protagonists of Moscow art in the beginning of the 1990s. His creative debut dates back to the late 1980s, when he was a member of The World Champions group. From that period he has preserved his regard for the projects of the Russian avant-garde, while his later works derive their compelling character mostly from his originality in approaching the possibilities offered by new technology as a means of realizing his essentially poetic, ironic, even absurdist visions.
His art unites the themes of Utopia, cosmogony and aeronautics, a personal poetics, and a radically self-critical attitude in his artistic practice and its social context.
Recently, Fiskin has dealt with questions of time, the seasons, paradoxes of the relativity of space-time and the virtual environment. The project Another Speedy Day, which he has developed for the Venice Biennale 2005, pursues this line of work.
Another Speedy Day is based on the traditional issue of the relation between time and space. It deals with research into traveling in space and time and conforms to the theory of relativity (the paradox of the clock or the twins paradox). Einsteins paradox of the twins demonstrates that twins, after a period spent in different systems (e.g., one on Earth and the other in a hypothetical rocket moving at a speed only 10 km/s slower than the speed of light), would be a different age. And yet, neither would be younger.
Another Speedy Day combines encyclopedic knowledge and visionary imagination, and includes the psychological and emotional reactions of the viewer, who can experience the passing of a 24-hour day in 12 minutes.
The project is the artists homage to Albert Einstein and the one hundred years of the Theory of Relativity.
© The first version of the project was originally commissioned by Comune di Milano, Cultura e Musei and Fondazione Cosmit Eventi, on the occasion of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile and Euroluce. It was produced by Change Performing Arts for the exhibition Imagining Prometheus, Milan, April 2003.
Light design: A.J. Weissbard
The project has been financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Press contact: Adela Zeleznik
C/o Moderna galerija/Museum of Modern Art, Tomsiceva 14, 1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: 0038612416808
Fax: 00386 1 2514120