September 10–19, 2021
Waldstraße 3
76133 Karlsruhe
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 11am–7pm,
Saturday–Sunday 11am–5pm
T +49 721 28226
In 2021, the Badischer Kunstverein realises a comprehensive exhibition, research, and events project dealing with the images and counterimages of Europe. Next to the exhibition Things we sense about each other currently on view at the Kunstverein, a traveling academy titled Things we share with each other is another central element of the project. The academy will be localised in Karlsruhe and the various cities of the participating project partners in Baku, Bucharest, Yerevan, Kiev, Krasnodar, Minsk, Prague and Tuzla.
The academy opens with an extensive festival in September. Artists and curators of the network as well as cultural workers, scientists, and activists are invited to critically address the divergent perspectives of an emancipatory and democratically conceived Europe, something that is being called into question along the margins (but also at the center) to an increasing degree.
Originally conceived as a traveling format, the academy will be installed mainly as a hybrid and digital platform due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic before moving back to the cities of a wider Europe. The academy sees itself as a moving, non-hierarchical research group, which is complemented by the local collaborators in the associated places. At the same time, the project is testing alternative concepts of teaching and learning in digital and hybrid structures.
Guests as well as hosts of the academy jointly investigate the significance of objects or things which–depending on who interprets them, who claims them, and who resists their putative meanings–are the bearers of divergent and often antagonistic attributions of identity. Semantically charged, these things can act as antagonistic, but also mediating and conciliatory artifacts in a dialogue between a multiplicity of European societal and cultural constellations.
Academy participants: Larissa Agel, Vahram Aghasyan, Lala Aliyeva, Damir Arsenijevic, Anja Casser, Yvonne Fomferra, Leyli Gafarova, Michaela Geboltsberger, Ilkin Huseynov, Sevil Huseynova, Veronika Janatková, Anna Jermolaewa, Anna Karpenko, Eva Khachatryan, Serhiy Klymko, Susanne Kriemann, Georg Schöllhammer, Jura Shust, Aleksei Taruts, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Raluca Voinea, ZIP Group
Things we share with each other is a project of and Badischer Kunstverein.
Project coordination: Larissa Agel and Yvonne Fomferra
Friday, September 10, 2–6pm
Тёмный лес/Dark Forest
A tour through the forest with Susanne Kriemann (Berlin), Jura Shust (Berlin) and Anna Karpenko (Minsk/Leipzig)
Tuesday, September 14, 6pm
“Relational objectivation against universal exhibitions and their colonial worldview”
Lecture by Raluca Voinea (Bucharest) and Ovidiu Țichindeleanu (Chişinău)
Wednesday, September 15, 6pm
Vegetable Mixed Symbols Salad
International cooking workshop by ZIP Group at CCA Typography (Krasnodar)
Thursday, September 16, 6pm
“Art and Revolution”
Lecture by Vahram Aghasyan (Yerevan)
Friday, September 17, 6pm
orchester / Live Piece for a Stage
Performance by Anna Jermolaewa (Vienna)
Saturday, September 18, 3pm
Dragon Charm
DJ set by Aleksei Taruts (Moscow) and Serhiy Klymko (Kiev)
Sunday, September 19
Undertow pouring event
Performance by Aleksei Taruts (Moscow)
“The Sound of Place and Time—the post war reality out of the public view”
Artist talk with Leyli Gafarova (Baku), Ilkin Huseynov (Baku), Lala Aliyeva (Baku/Sumqayit) & Sevil Huseynova (Baku/Berlin)
Things we share with each other is funded by the program “Kunst trotz Abstand” of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (MWK).
The events are offered online and onsite at Badischer Kunstverein. Talks and lectures will take place as hybrid events and via Zoom. Please contact us at info [at] to receive the Zoom links.
For more information on the exhibitions, further collaborations, and our program, please visit us on our website, on Instagram and Facebook.