The River is a Serpent
August 21, 2021–January 30, 2022
R. Barão de Piratininga
555 - Jardim Faculdade
Bringing into practice the debate about the access economies, reflecting on the politics and poetics of exhibition, investigating which solidarity strategies are possible, as well as what is said by the bodies that, inhabiting asymmetric power structures, produce an immense world outside the world. This is the proposal of the third edition of Frestas – Triennial of Arts, whose exhibition, with curatorship of the trio Beatriz Lemos, Diane Lima and Thiago de Paula Souza, will take part from August 21, 2021, to January 30, 2022, in the SESC unit at Sorocaba (a city 90 km from São Paulo). This Frestas’ edition also relies upon the curatorship assistance of Camila Fontenele and educational coordination of Renata Sampaio.
The curatorship has selected 53 artists and collectives from different nationalities to take part in the exhibition. They come from Brazil, South Africa, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, United States, France, the Netherlands, Mexico, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Switzerland, and exhibit works through the most different mediums, from paintings to installations and performances. From these, 32 were selected to create commissioned and unprecedented works for the project, and there are names like Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro, Dalton Paula, Denilson Baniwa, Diego Araúja, Gê Viana, Lia García (La Novia Sirena), Sallisa Rosa and Sucata Quântica, Ventura Profana and Vijai Patchineelam, among others.
Originally expected to be open to public in 2020, the Triennial happened to start, at that moment, with several formative actions in the digital environment, such as a Study Program, attended by 15 artists from this edition; The River is a Serpent: Topics for Difference and Social Justice, a training program for teachers; and the Subaltern Practices-Oriented Program (POPS), conducted by the artistic collective Ayllu.
Now the institution is preparing itself to set up the exhibition which will occupy the SESC unit and the public spaces of the city of Sorocaba.
Complete list of artists of the 3rd Trennial (place of birth/place of residence):
Aimée Zito Lema (Amsterdam / Amsterdam), Ana Pi (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil / Paris) and Maria Fernanda Novo (Olímpia, São Paulo, Brazil / Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil), Antonio Társis (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil / Salvador, Bahia, Brazil; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and London, United Kingdom), Bronwyn Katz (Kimberley, South Africa / Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa), Carmézia (Maloca do Japó, Roraima, Brazil / Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil), Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro (Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil / Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil), ColetivA Ocupação (São Paulo, Brazil / São Paulo, Brazil), Colectivo Ayllu (several, Latin America / Madrid, Spain), Dalton Paula (Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil / Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil), Davi de Jesus do Nascimento (Pirapora, Minas Gerais, Brazil / Pirapora, Minas Gerais, Brazil), Davi Pontes (São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Wallace Ferreira (Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Denilson Baniwa (Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil / Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Denise Alves-Rodrigues (Itaporã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil / São Paulo, Brazil), Diego Araúja (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil / Salvador, Bahia, Brazil), Ella Vieira (Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil / Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil), Elvira Espejo (ayllu Qaqachaka, Oruro, Bolivia / La Paz, Bolivia), Engel Leonardo (Baní, Dominican Republic / Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), Fernando Palma Rodríguez (San Pedro Atocpan, Mexico / Agricultural Region of Milpa Alta, Mexico), Gê Viana (Santa Luzia, Maranhão, Brazil / São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil), Guerreiro do Divino Amor (Geneva, Switzerland / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Haseeb Ahmed (Toledo, Ohio, USA / Brussels, Belgium), Iagor Peres (Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil), Ivan Henriques (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Jaider Esbell (Normandia, Roraima, Brazil / Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil), Johanna Unzueta (Santiago, Chile / Berlin, Germany), Jonas van Holanda (Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil / Geneva, Switzerland), Jota Mombaça (Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil / Lisbon, Portugal), Juliana dos Santos (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil / São Paulo, Brazil), Julien Creuzet (Le Blanc-Mesnil, France / Montreuil, France), Lais Machado (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil / Salvador, Bahia, Brazil), Laura Lima (Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Lia García (La Novia Sirena) (Mexico City, Mexico / Mexico City, Mexico), Luana Vitra (Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil / Belo Horizonte and Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil), Madalena dos Santos Reinbolt (Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil / Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 1977), Marepe (Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil / Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil), Mário Lopes (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil / Munich, Germany, and Helsinki, Finland), Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil / Berlin, Germany), Negalê Jones (Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Magé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Noara Quintana (Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil / São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil), Nohemí Pérez (Tibú, Colombia / Bogotá, Colombia), Paulo Nazareth (Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil / lives and works throughout the world), Pêdra Costa (Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Berlin, Germany), Pedro Victor Brandão (Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Rebeca Carapiá (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil / Salvador, Bahia, Brazil), Rommulo Conceição (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil / Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), Sabelo Mlangeni (Driefontein, Mpumalanga, South Africa / Johannesburg, South Africa), Sallisa Rosa (Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Sucata Quântica (São Paulo, Brazil / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Shirley Villavicencio Pizango (Lima, Peru / Lima, Peru), Tabita Rezaire (Paris, France / Vincennes, France), Thiago Martins de Melo (São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil / São Luís, Maranhão and São Paulo, Brazil, and Guadalajara, Mexico), Ventura Profana (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Vijai Patchineelam (Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Belgium), Zumvi Arquivo Fotográfico (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil)
About SESC São Paulo
SESC – Social Service of Commerce is a private, nonprofit institution created in 1946 by the commerce and services businessmen from all over Brazil. In the state of São Paulo, SESC counts with 42 centers which congregate its functioning areas in culture, education, sports, leisure, and health. SESC São Paulo’s actions are oriented by its educational aspect and the search for social welfare based on a wider understanding of the term culture.
At this moment, in-person visits to exhibitions at units of Sesc São Paulo are only possible through prior scheduling online and in accordance with the protocols established by the local authorities for the combat of COVID-19.