Poems I Will Never Release 2007–2017
May 8–October 3, 2021
May 15–October 24, 2021
Senza fretta
June 19–August 29, 2021
Viale della Repubblica 277
59100 Prato
Hours: Wednesday–Sunday 10am–7pm
The Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci presents three new exhibitions by Chiara Fumai, FormaFantasma and Simone Forti.
This season opens with a series of exhibitions where great women artists, important collaborations with italian and international cultural institutions, experimentation through different languages and materials are the cornerstones, alongside the attention to research and design, of the 2021 program at the Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci.
Chiara Fumai: Poems I Will Never Release 2007–2017
May 8 – October 3, 2021
Poems I Will Never Release 2007–2017 is the first major survey exhibition dedicated to the artist Chiara Fumai, three years after her untimely death, curated by Milovan Farronato and Francesco Urbano Ragazzi in collaboration with the director of the Centro, Cristiana Perrella. Co-produced by the Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci and the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, where the project was initiated with the co-curation of Andrea Bellini, the exhibition aims at valorizing and promoting internationally the work of one of the most significant Italian artists in recent memory, who developed the languages of performance and feminist aesthetics in the 21st century.
Poems I Will Never Release 2007–2017 assembles a very comprehensive body of work, translating into material form the elusive performances that Chiara Fumai programmatically excluded from the documentation process; the artist never composed poems, she channeled words written by others into her performances. Raging against the prejudice linked to being a female artist, Chiara Fumai adopted a vocabulary of threat, revolt, violence, and boredom in the hopes of triggering uncomfortable situations thus promoting her ideals of anarchist feminism.
After Prato, the exhibition will travel at La Loge. Bruxelles and La Casa Encendida, Madrid.
Poems I Will Never Release 2007–2017 at the Centro Pecci is produced in partnership with Intesa Sanpaolo.
FormaFantasma: Cambio
May 15 – October 24, 2021
The project is an investigation conducted by Studio FormaFantasma, the celebrated duo of Italian designers based in Holland, on the governance of the timber industry. Cambio comes from the medieval Latin word cambium, which means “change, exchange.” This form of commerce has evolved and expanded all over the world through the years, becoming one of the largest industries in terms of revenues and the impact on the planet’s biosphere, making it difficult to regulate it. It stems from the bioprospecting in the 19th century, the exploration of colonial territories for scientific and commercial purposes.
The exhibition is set out like the rings in tree trunks and it displays data, research and several case studies about the purchasing and the utilization of wood in the world.Cambio reflects on the role of trees as both sensors and solutions for climate change and highlights how crucial design can be for the environment.
Originally commissioned by the Serpentine Galleries, London, the exhibition will present at Centro Pecci also a new body of research conducted on the Italian territory. It will include the work of Giuseppe Penone.
The exhibition have been produced with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Rome.
Simone Forti: Senza fretta
June 19 – August 29, 2021
The exhibition, developed in close collaboration with the artist Simone Forti, whose family was originally from Prato, focuses on a series of the artist’s works from the 1980s, News Animation, which explores the relationship between language, movement and physicality. Senza fretta includes different kinds of works, from performance to video and audio, accompanied by a sort of soundtrack, composed by Simone Forti herself.
Press and communications offices
Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci
Ivan Aiazzi: i.aiazzi [at] centropecci.it
Lara Facco P&C
Viale Papiniano 42, 20123 Milan / press [at] larafacco.co