Tous cannibales, Chiharu Shiota, Stephane Thidet

Tous cannibales, Chiharu Shiota, Stephane Thidet

La Maison Rouge

Yasumasa Morimura, “Exchange of Devouring,” 2004.
© Galery Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris / Salzburg.

March 28, 2011

Tous cannibales
Chiharu Shiota
Stéphane Thidet

Until 15 May 201110 bd de la bastille
75012 Paris, France

Tous cannibales
“We are all cannibals. The simplest way to identify with another is still to eat them.” Claude Lévi-Strauss, La Repubblica, 1993.

Until May 15th, la maison rouge is staging an exhibition on anthropophagy and its representations in contemporary visual art.

The exhibition’s curator has chosen pieces for the most part by young artists working independently of each other on the concept of incorporation. A body of contemporary works (photography, video, installation, sculpture, drawing and painting) finds echoes in a historic perspective (photographic document , illuminated texts, engravings and ritual objects). Together, they show how the theme of anthropophagy has persisted and evolved through time and place.

Curator: Jeanette Zwingenberger

Participating artists are:
Makoto Aida, Pilar Albarracin, Gilles Barbier, Michaël Borremans, Norbert Bisky, Patty Chang, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Will Cotton, Lucas Cranach, Wim Delvoye, Erik Dietman , Marcel Dzama, James Ensor, Renato Garza Cervera, Camille de Galbert, Francisco de Goya, J. J. Grandville, Sandra Vasquez de la Horra, Pieter Hugo, Melissa Ichiuji, John Isaacs, Oda Jaune, Michel Journiac, Fernand Khnopff , Frédérique Loutz , Saverio Lucariello, Alberto Martini, Suehiro Maruo, Philippe Mayaux, Patrizio Di Massimo, Théo Mercier, Yasumasa Morimura, Vik Muniz, Wangechi Mutu
Álvaro Oyarzún, Chantalpetit, Giov.Battista Podesta, Odilon Redon Félicien Rops, Bettina Rheims, Toshio Saeki, Cindy Sherman, Dana Schutz, Jana Sterbak, Adriana Varejâo, Joel-Peter Witkin, Ralf Ziervogel, Jérôme Zonder

Chiharu Shiota, home of memory
La maison rouge presents the first major exhibition in Paris of Chiharu Shiota, a Berlin-based Japanese artist, for which she has produced two large-format installations a work composed of suspended dresses in a web of black threads and a totally new piece composed of suitcases From Where We Come and What We Are. The exhibition also shows a video piece and a selection of drawings.

Stéphane Thidet, vie sauvage

Each winter, les amis de la maison rouge produces a work specifically for the foundation’s patio. This year, members have chosen the artist Stéphane Thidet.

Stéphane Thidet uses paradoxes such as games and rituals, absence and doubt, disquieting familiarity and the reversal of temporal factors. For the patio, Stéphane Thidet imagines a menagerie, like the ones we might visit in zoos. Seeing that the patio is surrounded by glass, as is a menagerie and in particular the ones that house primates, the artist transposes a zoo environment inside the foundation to reveal the numerous parallels that exist between zoos and galleries, both of which exhibit.

RSVP for Tous cannibales, Chiharu Shiota, Stephane Thidet
La Maison Rouge
March 28, 2011

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