With Arto Lindsay and Rirkrit Tiravanija
Present Trespass
A Parade Along Broadway in
Downtown Los Angeles
Sunday, October 2, 2011trespassparade.org
On Sunday, October 2, 2011 by 11:00am the streets of Downtown Los Angeles will erupt in a parade of local artists and residents along Broadway as Trespass parade takes over with music, dancing and performance. The parade celebrates the culmination of Trespass, a collaborative project between Arto Lindsay, Rirkrit Tiravanija, and West of Rome Public Art. Trespass has commissioned over 60 Los Angeles-based artists to produce a statement—each expressing a call to action, pleasure and reciprocity. The statements will be printed on T-shirts in English and in Spanish and worn as part of the parade. The T-shirts will also be sold online to benefit the project. Many of the artists will join the parade with a performative piece. The parade will first convene at 1933 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90007.
Besides Arto Lindsay and Rirkrit Tiravanija, participating artists include: Eleanor Antin, Edgar Arceneaux, Lisa Anne Auerbach, John Baldessari, Scott Benzel, Walead Beshty, Andrea Bowers, Nancy Buchanan, Chris Burden, Vaginal Davis, Sam Durant, Charles Gaines, Cheri Gaulke, Amy Gerstler, Piero Golia, Matt Greene, Julian Hoeber, Alex Israel, Glenn Kaino, Dawn Kasper, Mike Kelley, Chris Kraus, Barbara Kruger, Joel Kyack, Suzanne Lacy, Liz Larner, William Leavitt, Sharon Lockhart, Ann Magnuson, Daniel Joseph Martinez, Dave Muller, T. Kelly Mason, My Barbarian, Yoshua Okón, Jorge Pardo, Renee Petropoulos, Stephen Prina, Steve Roden, Nancy Rubins, Sterling Ruby, Aaron Sandnes, Jim Shaw, Susan Silton, Stephanie Taylor, Diana Thater, Kaari Upson, Jeffrey Vallance, Marnie Weber, Pae White, Terry Wolverton…
This project has been created to coincide with the opening of Pacific Standard Time: Art in L.A. 1945–1980 (PST), a collaboration of more than 60 cultural institutions across Southern California, who are coming together for the first time to celebrate the birth of the L.A. art scene.
Trespass will continue into Monday October 3rd when it reaches its climax with Trespassparty a blowout celebration for West of Rome at Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles. The party will feature interactive and musical performances by progressive artists with a unique drink and artisan pizza specially created by Rirkrit Tiravanija for Trespass. Entertainment for the event includes Miss Vaginal Davis, Phranc, special guest DJ JD Samson of Le Tigre and MEN, and of course of Lindsay and Tiravanija.
Trespass Parade’s community partners include the Getty‘s Pacific Standard Time as well as American Apparel, Art Platform – Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles (CRA/LA), Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk, LA Inc., MAK Center for Art and Architecture, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA), REDCAT (Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater) and Sheppard Mullin. Media partners include ForYourArt and LA Weekly.
For more information, to request images, or arrange interviews please contact Green Galactic’s Lynn Tejada at 213-840-1201 or lynn@greengalactic.com.