Application deadline: April 3, 2020
Van Schoonbekestraat 143
2018 Antwerp
This advanced master program focuses on research development of artists and designers whose practice is anchored in a social-political context (including but not limited to feminism, social design, migration, decolonialism, class politics, queer politics, disability politics, capitalism, identity, Anthropocene, the (under)commons, community art, conflict&design, healing&rituals, history, big data…). The focus is on artistic research and research exchange. The program is aligned to each participant’s work rhythm and caters for specific theoretical interests by inviting a diversity of voices from a variety of fields that can cater to the individual and collective research interests. Collective learning and participatory coaching are central to the program. We offer a coaching and participation methodology that is anchored in intersectional situatedness and care.
The program is developed in accordance to the specific research proposals, interests and needs of the participants. It offers intense coaching in writing, critical studies, research methodologies, and sharing research.
The program is structured in 3 full day sessions every three weeks. These sessions will focus on the participants’ specific research proposals and enable them to advance in writing, theoretical explorations, research methodology, and sharing your research. Parallel to this trajectory we also offer 3 intensive and collaborative, 1-week modules with distinguished artists, designers and professionals across the fields of artistic research.
For who?
We work with a small team of maximum 12 students. The ideal candidates are artists or designers who have developed an individual or collaborative practice and want to work for one year on a research project related to their practice. The program is particularly suitable to those interested in critically developing their practice within a social-political field or in preparation for a successful PhD project. The participants will participate and engage in debates and pursue a thorough critical reflection and practice of collective care, situatedness and responsibility. Small collectives or artistic duos are also encouraged to apply!
“The AdMA program is a place to radicalize and root one’s practice and thought by sharing with a group of extroardinary people (tutors, guests and colleagues)” Simona Da Pozzo, 2019–20 participant
Practical information
The Master of Research in Art and Design is intended for candidates with a master’s degree. Holders of both a master’s degree in visual arts or design and in other subjects with an artistic practice can apply with a portfolio, a letter of motivation, and a research proposal.
Maximum number of participants is 12. Closing date for applications for the 2020–21 program is the April 3, 2020. We might organize a second call with closing date August 17. Due to the limited number of participants that we can welcome in the program, you are highly encouraged to submit your application file at your earliest convenience. Admission interviews take place in the week of April 20 (or August 24 in case of a second call).
For more information or an application form, please click here or contact zeynep.kubat [at]
Tutors & Guest tutors 2019–20 program: Kim Gorus (Writing module), Paul Hendrikse, Natasha Soobramanien, Luke Williams, Sepake Angiama, Byron Kalomamas, Loraine Furter & Wesley Meuris (Research Methodology module), Mashid Mohadjerin, Grace Ndiritu, Hicham Khalidi, Lotte Arndt, Gaelle Choisne, Maria Lucia Cruz Correia, Lara Khaldi, Yazan Khalili, Joachim Ben Yakoub, Pascal Gielen, Malcom Ferdinand, Natasa Petresin-Bachelez (Critical Theory module), Marnie Slater (ShareResearch module), a.o.