the fifth floor
by BACA laureate Laura Lima
27 September 2014–11 January 2015
Opening: September 26, 6–8pm
The Netherlands
On September 25 the Bonnefanten Award for Contemporary Art (BACA) will be presented to Brazilian artist Laura Lima. The award is a tribute to a living artist with an exceptional oeuvre and a demonstrable influence on other artists—a real artists’ artist.
The BACA 2014 was awarded unanimously to Laura Lima by the international selection committee for the 2014 edition, comprising: Stijn Huijts (director of the Bonnefantenmuseum), Ivo Mesquita (director of the Pinacoteca do Estado, SãoPaulo), Victoria Noorthoorn (director of the Museo de Arte Moderno Buenos Aires), Alfred Pacquement (Honorary Director of the Centre Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris), Cristiana Tejo (independent curator, Recife).
A theme that is central to Lima’s work is her fascination for the complexity of social relationships and human behaviour. In this, a main role is played by humans and animals, which are often physically present in their sheer materiality and left in the open for someone to encounter.
the fifth floor is a groundbreaking exhibition that instigates an innovative dialogue with museum practices. A fully functioning tailor shop, with real life tailors, will be working every day to clothe a collection of empty frames through the whole exhibition. Thereby subverting, ironically, the premises of painting and its modernist critique.
Support: For the organisation of the BACA, the Bonnefantenmuseum can count on the generous support of DSM, the Province of Limburg and the Mondriaan Fund.