Book for Architects
30 September–4 December 2015
Opening: 29 September, 6pm
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, building HIL, gta exhibitions
Stefano-Fanscini-Platz 5
8093 Zurich
Opening: 29 September, 6pm
Talk with Arno Brandlhuber and Christian Kerez, moderated by Stephan Trüby.
Architects write books, read books, love books and collect books. Books loom large for architects: books that endeavor to talk about architecture, books that are a source of inspiration, a forum for polemics, an expression of dreams, wishful thinking and so much more. This exhibition showcases a historical selection of special “books for architects,” as well as commentary on books by contemporary architects, historians and theorists who, in various forms, conceptually and concretely explore a great many aspects of books for architects, with selected items spatially arranged within the exhibition for a mise en scène of reading, writing and collecting books.
Curated by Fredi Fischli, Andri Gerber and Niels Olsen
Contributors include:
ALICE EPFL, architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, baukuh, Arno Brandlhuber, Henri Chopin, Christ & Gantenbein, ConfronTables: Charles Polónyi – Justus Dahinden by the chair of Ákos Moravánszky, Dogma, Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin Architekten, Andri Gerber, Sigfried Giedion, Girsberger/Haefeli Moser Steiger, Trix and Robert Haussmann, Karl Holmqvist, Carla Juaçaba, Christian Kerez, Ferdinand Kriwet, Andrew Leach, Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten, Stanislaus von Moos/Vaclav Pozarek, Rudolf Olgiati, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, OMA, Tom de Paor/Peter Maybury, Gianluigi Ricuperati/Italo Rota/Elisa Sighicelli, Sauter von Moos, Salottobuono, Hans Schmidt, Gottfried Semper, Dino Simonett, Peter Staub, Venturi, Rauch and Scott Brown, Heimo Zobernig and others
About gta exhibitions
gta exhibitions is part of the Institute of History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at ETH Zurich. The exhibition program serves as an interface between theory and practice, showcasing research and teaching in the Department of Architecture. The thematic field of architecture is extended through interdisciplinary approaches and critically reflected through an experimental approach to the medium of the exhibition.