March 1–June 2, 2019
1 Bis Rue des Trinitaires
57000 Metz
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 2–6pm,
Saturday–Sunday 11am–7pm
T 0033 0 3 87 74 20 02
Featuring works from the 49 Nord 6 Est collection by Nina Beier & Marie Lund, Geta Brătescu, stanley brouwn, Willie Cole, Winfred Evers, Andrea Fraser, Marie-Ange Guilleminot, Sister Corita Kent, Silvia Kolbowski, Tanja Koljonen, Claire Pentecost, Lotty Rosenfeld, Hito Steyerl, Ian Wilson.
Exhibited in libraries, schools, or private residencies, as well as in art centers, museums, and at biennales, the works in the 49 Nord 6 Est collection each have their own journey. Each new presentation is an occasion to provide an insight into a different facet of the artwork.
This exhibition reveals the circulation of a selection of works from the 49 Nord 6 Est collection, retracing their trajectories and displaying a plurality of approaches. Some of the photographs, silkscreens, videos, sculptures, and installations showcased here are emblematic and have been exhibited around the world; others, more discreet, have been displayed less frequently. Certain works bear the traces of a journey (Beier & Lund) or trigger an active circulation (Cole). Others examine the conditions under which bodies occupy space within the private (Brătescu, Guilleminot) or the public realm (brouwn, Fraser, Rosenfeld), thus searching zones of freedom in the face of political, institutional, or administrative restrictions. Few artists foreground the distance between an artwork and the memory it left behind (Kolbowski), or between the image and its description (Koljonen). Sometimes, the image itself is termed “a travelling image”, as Hito Steyerl says while describing the portrait of Andrea Wolf, her childhood friend, which no longer merely represents a person, but has become an emblem of the Kurdish resistance.
From Athens to Forbach and Neufchâteau, to San Francisco, the works in this collection have confronted a wide range of sensibilities over the past 30 years. Their display introduces historical events that reveal their production context as well as features short texts written for the occasion of other exhibitions. These multiple readings were written in German, English, Arabic, Greek, French, Japanese, or Romanian. Incomprehensible to some, the texts will be crystal clear to others. Just like them, artworks elicit various connections with the visitors and give rise to changing readings, which, in turn, get woven into the fabric of their histories.
Special guided tour of the exhibition
Wednesday, May 22
“Regards croisés” with Felizitas Diering, Marie Griffay and Fanny Gonella, the directors of the three FRAC of the Grand Est.
Degrés Est: Silvi Simon
March 1–June 2, 2019
Degrés Est launches a series of events produced in collaboration with FRAC Alsace and FRAC Champagne-Ardenne focus on artists with ties to the Grand Est Region.
49 Nord 6 Est invites you to discover the work of an artist connected to the region, selected in turns by FRAC Alsace, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, and 49 Nord 6 Est - FRAC Lorraine. At the heart of this vast territory informed by a wide range of sensibilities, Degrés Est draws on a plurality of viewpoints to highlight the diversity of current artistic practices.
The inaugural exhibition will showcase the work of Silvi Simon, an artist invited by Felizitas Diering, director of FRAC Alsace.
A catalog produced for the occasion will launch a series of publications devoted to the Degrés Est projects.
Program of events
March 12
La jupe et la baguette
Portraits of women conductors in interwar Paris.
J.C. Branger, musicologist
Contemporary art weekend in the Grand Est :
March 16 & 17
Affinités sélectives
Véronique Albert, dance artist
Meet the artist
March 23 & 24
Alix Desaubliaux (*1993, Nancy)
Book launch
March 28
Ressources humaines
V. Jourdain, cultural worker, interviewed by F. Zanferrari, sociologist
April 4
La restitution des œuvres africaines : une dette coloniale?
Pascal Blanchard, historian
Collecting Thoughts
April 5 & 6
Property / collection: the mechanisms at work.
With the participation of: Eva Barto, Eric Golo Stone, Cameron Rowland, Mireille-Tsheusi Robert, among others
Lunch break
April 29/May 13, 20, 27
With the participation of C. Chastant, ESAL Metz; D.Igniti, centre d’art, Dudelange; B. Koralewski, médiathèque de Forbach; L. Verdeau, Collège P. Mendès France, Woippy
European Museum Night
May 18
Goûter l’œuvre
Offbeat tour
June 2
Parler entre. Visite guidée d’une parabole
Guillaume Barborini, artist
More information available on our website & facebook
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 2–6pm, Saturday–Sunday 11am–7pm
T 0033 0 3 87 74 20 02
The 49 Nord 6 Est - Frac Lorraine is supported by the Region Grand Est and the DRAC Grand Est at the Ministry of Culture.