50° nord contemporary art review – Issue #0 out now

50° nord contemporary art review – Issue #0 out now

50° nord

May 13, 2009

50° nord contemporary art review
published by the 50° nord Network

Issue #0 out now

A new annual review with news, views and analysis of the visual arts

A platform for the contemporary art scene and its players in the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the Nord Euroregion


• ALMANAC / critical articles and interviews with artists
François Andès, Anne Benoît, Nancy Casielles, Benoît Dusart, Carole Fives, Peter Fransman, Jacqueline Gueux, Luk Lambrecht, Guillaume Madeline, Jean-Luc Moerman, Morad Montazami, Grégoire Motte, Nathalie Pierron, Pierre-Olivier Rollin, Beat Streuli, Nicolas Surlapierre, Gérald Van Der Kaap, Thierry Verbeke, Benoît Villain…

• CARTE BLANCHE – FREE REIGN / creative space
Samuel Buckman, Didier Cattoën, Halory Goerger, Vincent Legallois, Francois Lewyllie, Céline Ahond, Christelle Chevallereau & Olivier Soulerin

• PORTFOLIO / presentation space
Windows on contemporary art : Incise, Fiat Lux !, Cent lieux d’art, Bureau d’Art et de Recherche, Bertrand Gadenne…

Bilingual French / English


50° nord contemporary art review offers a platform for the art world of the Nord – Pas de Calais region and the Nord Euroregion, with discussion of the artworks and their different means of expression, thus providing a record of the territory’s artistic activity.

50° nord contemporary art review examines the data and issues relating to the varied contemporary creative output of a network of committed artists whose diversity is its strongpoint. The review offers both a retrospective and prospective vision of contemporary art within the region and provides an ‘in progress’ report of the value of a territory as ground for experimentation.

50° nord contemporary art review is distinguished by the presence of a region within a pluralist and decentralised rationale. The purpose of this project is to provoke writing as part of the regional art scene, alongside critical contributions from both professional and amateur critics, art professionals, art lovers and the region’s academics, researchers and students.


50° nord contemporary art review focuses on the various disciplinary and inter-disciplinary practices of visual arts that each member-structure of the network endeavours to promote. It supports the dialogue of artists and writers undertaking experimental or daring creations that challenge prevalent values. The review also reports on the activities of 50° nord as an association of structures and highlights the ins and outs of the development of regional networks in France.

Information & subscriptions:
maud.le-garzic [​at​] orange.fr

50 ° nord
the contemporary art network
of the Nord – Pas de Calais region (France) and the Nord Euroregion

Created in 1996 by small and medium-sized organisations, the 50° nord network now links more than 30 professional structures of production, promotion and higher education training courses in the field of contemporary art within the Euroregional territory. Associative galleries, art centres, itinerant structures, artists’ associations, museums, Frac and educational establishments are all involved in developing quality arts projects in a wide variety of contexts.

These venues carry out complementary activities and demonstrate the wealth of the network’s contemporary creative output. As a professional forum, a catalyst of energies and federal projects, 50° nord works towards the expansion of its network and the promotion of its members, as well as towards the enhancement of the regional art scene in general, and the promotion of contemporary art to the largest possible audience.

50° nord is one of France’s leading regional contemporary art networks. Transversal actions of reciprocity and ‘territorial’ expression constitute a new way, henceforth vital, of dividing the cultural map and conceiving artistic projects. It was with this in mind that we created 50° nord contemporary art review.

Link to a presentation of the review: http://www.50degresnord.net/spip.php?article1390
Link to a brief presentation of the #0 (with featuring and some pages): http://www.50degresnord.net/spip.php?article1593
Link to a presenttion of the 50° nord Network: http://www.50degresnord.net/spip.php?rubrique43

RSVP for 50° nord contemporary art review – Issue #0 out now
50° nord
May 13, 2009

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50° nord will be in touch.


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