Australian Art Collector issue 59 out now

Australian Art Collector issue 59 out now


January 12, 2012

Australian Art Collector issue 59 out now

January–March 2012

­­­50 Things Collectors Need to Know 2012
In this fourth annual special issue, our leading critics and writers present the 50 things that every collector needs to know about the Australasian art world in 2012.

Grant & residency recipients
Cool hunter predictions
On the world stage
Curator’s radar
Award winners
New directions
Standout exhibitions
Remarkable collectors & philanthropists
Agenda setters
New dealers
Collecting & dealing trends
2012 preview

Featured artists include:
Richard Bell | Liam Benson | Roger Boyce | Doris Bush Nungurrayi | Fiona Connor | Michael Cook | Sam Cranstoun | Patrick Doherty | John A Douglas | Heath Franco | Richard Frater | David Haines & Joyce Hinterding | Newell Harry | Claire Healy & Sean Cordeiro | Chloe Hughes | Susan Jacobs | William Kentridge | Josey Kidd Crowe | Amber Koroluk Stephenson | Lindy Lee | Dane Lovett | Nicholas Mangan | Dani Marti | Todd McMillan | Angelica Mesiti | Julia Morison | Kate Newby | Naata Nungurrayi | Becc Orszag | Jacky Redgate | Gareth Sansom | Soda_Jerk | Imogen Taylor | Judy Watson

About Australian Art Collector
Australian Art Collector is a quarterly magazine for collectors of contemporary art. It features profiles of artists, dealers and collectors from Australia and New Zealand. Each issue also includes art news, behind the scenes analysis, artist interviews and exhibition previews.

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RSVP for Australian Art Collector issue 59 out now
January 12, 2012

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