Sex, DUI’s and Videotape II

Sex, DUI’s and Videotape II

Brot Kunsthalle

Cameron Platter, Crocodile in Car Crash (studio view), 2007. Acrylic on carved Jacanda wood, 230 x 115 x 100 cm.
June 5, 2012

Until 21 July 2012

Opening: 4 June 7pm
Joint opening with Galerie OstLicht & Lichterloh
Special presentation: Brian McKee, TERRA NOVA

Hilger BROTKunsthalle
Absberggasse 27
1100 Vienna, Austria
Hours: Thu–Sat, 12–6pm
and by appointment

M +43 664 34 04 728 (Ernst Hilger)

Asgar/Gabriel, Brian McKee, Cameron Platter, Clifton Childree, Daniele Buetti, Emilio Chapela Perez, Martin Murphy, Miha Strukelj, Sara Rahbar, Simon Vega

Curated by Claire Breukel

Sex, DUIs and Videotape II is the second iteration of the exhibition that was first shown in New York at Site/109 earlier this year. The title is a nod to Director Steven Soderberg’s cult classic, Sex, Lies and Videotape (1989), which depicts a central male character filming women sharing their most intimate thoughts about their sexuality. Throughout the movie, unexpected power plays unfold and the camera becomes a tool for withholding information, strategically revealing its story to the viewer by selectively sharing its footage. Over the past few decades, the medium of video has been responsible for the proliferation of information, shifting the power from an elite few to the masses. The accessibility of video has greatly expanded, and with it, the nature of the footage being produced. No longer reserved for the creation of movies, short films, and documentaries, it has become a compulsory component of every digital camera, transforming its normative function of simply capturing snapshots of happy moments in everyday life to that of a constant watchful eye or voyeur. Sex, DUIs and Videotape II investigates the contemporary fixation with filming and distributing “real life” experiences and how that exacerbates the level of exposure in today’s society.

Further information
Katrin-Sophie Dworczak
T +43 (1) 512 53 15 15
M +43 664 393 52 72

Further news from the Gallery Ernst Hilger
Mel Ramos – auction record at Sotheby’s, London
The work AC Annie, painted in 1971—from the collection of Gunter Sachs—reached a new record for the artist’s works: around 1.071 million pounds (1,695,000 USD).
We are really excited about this groundbreaking result.
The available works by Mel Ramos can be found on our website



RSVP for Sex, DUI’s and Videotape II
Brot Kunsthalle
June 5, 2012

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