Call for applications: II Level Master in Design for Arts (full time)

Call for applications: II Level Master in Design for Arts (full time)

Politecnico di Torino

Kuehn Malvezzi with Michael Riedel, Modern Gallery of Saarland Museum, 2017. © Ulrich Schwarz.

March 16, 2018
Call for applications: II Level Master in Design for Arts (full time)
The new programme is addressed to product and service designers who will innovate the field of visual arts

Application deadline: April 16, 2018, 11:59am
Politecnico di Torino
Department of Architecture and Design
Castello del Valentino, Viale Pier Andrea Mattioli 39
10125 Turin

This Innovative Specializing Master program is developed on the need to train multidisciplinary professionals who have a solid background in Humanities, but also the necessary skills in New Technologies. The students will be capable to foster projects for new models of entrepreneurship and cultural production, such as:

Design for arts
–the design of products and services for the art system (museums, galleries, fairs)
–digital products for the art world
–the design of innovative spaces for exhibitions and other events in the art and design field with the objective to involve new targets of public
–the design of installations with/for the artists         

Cultural innovation
–products and services for the fruition of material and immaterial cultural heritage (architecture, landscapes, artefacts, archive documents)
–critical writing in art and design with a view to the dissemination of cultural contents. 

Professional outcomes
The Specializing Master program offers a complete and articulate multi- training course which enables participants to address the strategic and project- based aspects of  creativity with an interdisciplinary approach in the fields of art and design: the outcome of this professional figure will be a product and service designer, with a particular focus on the contemporary art world, who knows how to approach and manage the various targets of public and all the different aspects to the service of art and culture.

Courses in English, held by professors of the Politecnico di Torino and by experts in the field of visual arts and media, ex- cathedra lessons project workshops on the following themes: display preparation, installation design, the creation of immersive environments, digital fabrication, the planning of products and services, museographical and museological skills, audio/video techniques.

Visiting professors: Doug Ashford, Stefano Collicelli Cagol, Simon Denny, Tom Johnson, Simona Malvezzi and Andrea Granelli.

Course fees and financial support: The tuition fee is 5,000 Euro.

Grants: 11 grants will be assigned to the enrolled students on the basis of merit, taking into consideration the previous academic and professional results.

The application deadline is April, 16, 2018 (11:59am Italian time)

For further information please visit: for arts or contact Visual Arts Supervisor Dr. Gail Cochrane at gail.cochrane [​at​]

Turin can be considered an European and a Lab city, which, departing from an automotive background, it has been redesigned through art and culture over the past 10 years, enriching the Italian territory of another art city that retains a historical, artistic and archithetictural heritage that tells centuries of history.

Torino has also a strong training vocation and the Politecnico di Torino offers a multicultural study environment and has a close relationship to businesses, which share our premises and work with us on many projects giving students the opportunity to gain work experience while still at university.

The “Cittadella Politecnica” is a new campus area where research, teaching and training go hand in hand with local and student services as well as financial and cultural activities. It also houses the Business Research Center, where various international companies have established their most advanced research centers, and the Polo Venture Capital, which provides real opportunities for developing research. The new areas also contain classrooms, study rooms, a canteen and a sports center which will open shortly.

Politecnico di Torino is therefore a true research university, where education and research combine to meet the real needs of the local area and economy and most importantly those of the students.

The Politecnico di Torino has created the opportunity to build a network of institutions with specific and diversified skills, that can enhance the material and immaterial cultural heritage of our territory (architecture, design, visual arts, web, the Internet of Things), which becomes a study, research and training opportunity.

RSVP for Call for applications: II Level Master in Design for Arts…
Politecnico di Torino
March 16, 2018

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