Application deadline: April 21, 2017
About us
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) and the Royal Conservatory together constitute the School of Arts of University College Ghent.
University College Ghent consists of several functional entities: three faculties (Education, Health & Social Work; Science & Technology; and Business & Information Management), the School of Arts and the Centre for Entrepreneurship. A Central Administration supports the functioning of the board and these entities.
–Successful candidates are expected to conduct doctoral research in the arts in collaboration with Ghent University, for at least 70% of the full-time employment
–to assist in activities of educational support and student guidance within the relevant field at University College Ghent, for no more than 30% of the full-time employment
Candidate profile
–Candidates are capable of actively developing a personal artistic body of work that meets international standards
–have an artistic practice with a strong research component and investigative attitude
–have the skills required to successfully complete a long-term research project
–take a keen interest in communicating about their personal artistic output and in the verbal expression of its contexts
–are acquainted (actively or passively) with artists’ writings, and are interested in expressing themselves about their own artistic practice in this manner
–have pedagogic and didactic skills, with teaching experience in higher education being a bonus
–have an active command of English in light of institutional internationalization
Remuneration according to wage scale 508. See the website of the Flemish department of Education for more information concerning this wage scale with respect to seniority.
In addition to public sector seniority, private sector seniority can also be taken into account. Seniority will be granted on the basis of certified employment attestations and after examination of the case.
Reimbursement of public transportation commuting or cycle allowance, an attractive sports offer, and staff ID with additional benefits.
Initial appointment will commence on October 1, 2017 or later and is for a period of two years, with the possibility of two two-year extensions of the contract upon positive evaluation (if exceptional circumstances would require such, an additional one-year extension is possible in line with article V.141 of the “Higher Education Codex”).
Applying for this position is possible up until, and including April 21, 2017, and only through Be sure to check the vacancy details on that page (ref. ONDZF E 024) for a complete outline of what applications must consist of, for all relevant documents, and for contact information.
April 21,
A practical guide with more information on the PhD in the arts at the School of Arts and specifically on applying for this function can be found on this page of our website. Candidates are advised to read through this document carefully.
websitewebsiteSelection procedure
The selection procedure starts with a preliminary selection based on completeness and the basic requirements. The committee will then make a selection of candidates to interview based on the application documents. The interviews are tentatively scheduled for end of June 2017. Only when the entire procedure is completed will candidates be notified of the committee’s decisions.
University College Ghent wishes to reflect the society it works for in the best possible way. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their professional qualities and skills, regardless of gender, ethnicity or handicap.