Life a User’s Manual
September 30–November 5, 2017
The second edition of the Art Encounters biennial has taken on a mission to investigate the conditions of modern life in the context of these unstable ever-changing times. It gives center stage to the strategies which contemporary art offers to the public in order to address what we call “daily life”—a palimpsest of information, emotions, and actions participating in a discrete way to the dominant mechanics of the economic and social order.
Part of the central curatorial proposal, entitled Life a User’s Manual, the thematic subchapters define the micro-exhibitions spread over five venues in Timișoara and Arad: Urban Insights / Who’s afraid of politics? / The Unavowable Community / I work, therefore I’m not / The Second Nature / That Obscure Object of Desire / Home, Sweet Home/ The Catcher in the Mirror, alongside the sections dedicated to performance art, public interventions and cinema: Gravity’s Angel / One Place after Another / See this Noise. Taken together, these narrations present the various ways of adapting, personalizing and contesting norms—whether imposed or self-imposed—of public and private life.
More than 130 artists from 20 countries participated in the exhibitions and public events. Among them: Ana Adamović (RS), Marion Baruch (RO-IT), Igor & Ivan Buharov (HU), A.K. Burns & A.L. Steiner (US), Michel Blazy (MCO-FR), Adrian Dan (RO), Arantxa Etcheverria (RO), Camille Henrot (FR-US), Nona Inescu (RO), Ana Lupaș (RO), Victor Man (RO-DE), Dan Perjovschi (RO), Julien Prévieux (FR), Lea Rasovszky (RO), Slobodan Stošić (RS), Mircea Suciu (RO). Almost half of the artists were present at the inaugural weekend.
Alongside the main exhibition, Art Encounters 2017 embarked in a close examination of the Romanian art scene by inviting a comprehensive selection of independent art organizations which provide critical support and opportunities for contemporary art in Romania. The Romanian independent art scene was represented within the event by organizations and art spaces which have had a crucial role in constructing relevant working systems and models for the local artistic context. This section aims to become a dynamic platform that may shed a light on the challenges, vulnerabilities, ambitions, and strengths upon which the future of contemporary art in Romania is being built at an accelerated pace.
Art Encounters 2017 brought together a community of artists and art professionals from Romania and abroad. More than 3,000 people participated in the opening weekend events, which included performances by Decebal Scriba, Alex Bodea, Raluca Croitoru and Claudia Rădulescu and a series of artist talks and conferences.
Over its five weeks, the biennale attracted a large audience through its educational program, artist talks, art book launches and screenings. 4,000 children from local and regional schools participated in guided tours of the exhibitions. 250 parents and children took part in the weekend Family activities. The program was further enriched with courses on contemporary art and a short course on art journalism dedicated to professionals.
Information on artists, exhibitions and program available at: