Walking through someone else’s dream
October 13, 2017–April 1, 2018
Curated by Abdelkader Damani & Luca Galofaro
Spontaneous questions arise: what does organising an architecture biennale mean nowadays?
It is the awareness that a biennale, or an exhibition, is never the present. More specifically, it is not a list and even less a show.
Perhaps it is: a place for regrets; a polyptych of absence; an empty space so that the viewer’s wandering traces new stories of the history of art; a place to leave our doubts. A biennale is a space to doubt.
There are collisions where works convene. They should never be diffused, on the contrary accentuate them. Sublimate tensions, above all between historical works that cling to the present and contemporary art works that, in desperation, with melancholy, and through subversive tenderness attempt to seduce history.
A biennale is a blend of expressions. We sought a superimposition of languages. It has a taxonomic appearance. It is intentionally altered by discontinuity. In a sense, we wanted a geography of disharmony. Not one founded on analogies, but on links between different, seemingly opposing, ways of thinking but harbouring a common quest: the temptation to shelter the world in order to understand it.
The common thread between the works exhibited is the real need to break with any linguistic cohesion and representation: seeking in plural expressive complexity, not a formal, but a conceptual synthesis of reality.
The Biennale d’Architecture d’Orléans celebrates the loss of focus and defines the value of a multiplicity.
1 honored guest: Patrick Bouchain
1 tribute: Guy Rottier
8 exhibitions venues in Orléans
4 exhibitions venues in région Centre-Val de Loire
6 symposia
Guest architects and artists: 2A+P/A, Amid.cero9, Aristide Antonas, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Pierre Bernard, Jordi Bernadò, Tatiana Bilbao, BLACK SQUARE, Henry Bony & Léa Mosconi, Patrick Bouchain, Alexander Brodsky, Fabrizio Caròla, Cavart, Nidhal Chamekh, ecoLogicStudio, Encore Heureux, Ensamble Studio, Factory Fifteen, Frida Escobedo, Didier Fiuza Faustino, Lukas Feireiss, Gian Piero Frassinelli, Mathias Goeritz, Saba Innab,Jozef Jankovič, Bernard Khoury, Lucia Koch, Cédric Libert, LIST, MAIO, Maria Mallo, Manthey Kula, MICROCITIES (Socks Studio), Minimaforms, Demas Nwoko, OBRA Architects, Hèctor Parra, Ana Peñalba, Andrés Perea Ortega, PEROU, PIOVENEFABI, José Miguel de Prada Poole, Thomas Raynaud, Francisco Javier Seguí de la Riva & Ana Buenaventura, Olivier Seguin, Massinissa Selmani, Beniamino Servino, takk, Max Turnheim, Luis Urculo, José Maria Yturralde, Mengzhi Zheng, Annett Zinsmeister, 1024
Historical figures of the collection: Architecture Principe, Archizoom Associati, Chanéac, Constant Nieuwenhuys, Riccardo Dalisi,Gilles Ehrmann, David Georges Emmerich, Günter Günschel, Hans Hollein, Pascal Häusermann, Ugo La Pietra, Claude Parent, Guy Rottier, Ettore Sottsass Jr, Pierre Székely, Mario Terzic