Master of Arts Program in Curatorial and Critical Studies
Application deadline: August 31, 2010
Kunstgeschichtliches Institut der Goethe-Universitaet
Senckenberganlage 31,
60325 Frankfurt.
Master of Arts Program in CURATORIAL AND CRITICAL STUDIES:There are no course fees.Application deadline: August 31st 2010
The main focus of this Master of Arts Program Curatorial Studies – Theorie – Geschichte – Kritik is the scholarly examination of the complex tasks of curating and art criticism, with an emphasis on their theoretical and practical application. It is the aim of this program to combine an object-related approach with theoretical expertise. While other programs have primarily focused on contemporary art, here the examination of curating and art criticism is going to include earlier periods and different fields of cultural studies as well.
Teaching Staff and Lecturers:
Staff includes university teachers at Goethe-University and the Staedelschule as well as directors and curators of the Staedel Museum, the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt, the Historisches Museum Frankfurt, Museum der Weltkulturen Frankfurt and the Portikus. Additional experts will be brought in for individual events and projects. The program is taught in German and English. Proficiency in English is expected.
Application requirements:
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree with a minimum of 6 semesters, with at least 120 CPs in art history, archaeology, art education, philosophy, ethnology or history. Fine art graduates may also apply.
Applications must be sent in by August 31st 2010 (postmark), and include a single-page statement of purpose (SoP), résumé (CV) as well as copies of relevant certificates, to the following address:
Kunstgeschichtliches Institut der Goethe-Universitaet, Studiengang Curatorial Studies – Theorie – Geschichte – Kritik, Senckenberganlage 31, 60325 Frankfurt.
Please also send your application via email to the following address: [email protected] Further information on the program and the application process is available on our website