Zdenka Badovinac Read Bio Collapse
Zdenka Badovinac is a curator and writer. From 1993 to 2020, she was the Director of the Moderna galerija in Ljubljana (MG+MSUM). From 2022 to 2023 she was Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb (MSU). She currently works as an independent curator and author. Her most recent exhibition is Sanja Iveković, Works of Heart (1974-2022), Kunsthalle, Vienna, (2022) and MSU in Zagreb (2023). Her most recent books are Comradeship: Curating, Art, and Politics in Post-Socialist Europe (Independent Curators International, 2019) and Unannounced Voices: Curatorial Practice and Changing Institutions (Sternberg Press / Thoughts on Curating, 2022).
The Covid-19 pandemic has attacked not only our individual bodies, but our collective body as well. Through thirteen contributions by writers who are mostly from former socialist countries where the space of freedom is contracting once again, this special issue of e-flux journal asks what this collective body actually means, and what it has become.
How we work together: a roundtable discussion of partner cells
Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory 2020
Conference and Ceremony
Through its aesthetic liberation of things, ideas, and layers of time, art constructs imaginaries of interdependence, which in their own way contribute to a society of solidarity. Today, during this time of pandemic, we like to talk about us all being in the same boat, a metaphor that has replaced the catastrophic image of overcrowded boats of refugees crossing the Mediterranean. But the most powerful metaphor of the present time is the metaphor of the virus, which represents how everything influences everyone. But this is only our view of viruses, our exploitation of its properties. What viruses themselves think about this, nobody knows.
Book Launch: Comradeship: Curating, Art, and Politics in Post-socialist Europe,
Zdenka Badovinac in conversation with Ana Janevski