Fahim Amir Read Bio Collapse
Fahim Amir is a philosopher and author living in Vienna. His research focuses on topics of naturecultures, art, and urbanism; and questions of coloniality, transculturality, and cohabitation. He has co-edited Transcultural Modernisms (Sternberg Press, 2013) and wrote the afterword to the German edition of Donna Haraway’s Companion Species Manifesto (Merve, 2016). Amir’s study Schwein und Zeit (2018, engl. Being and Swine) was awarded numerous international prizes and translated into several languages. Recent publications include the Manifesto for Solidarity of Animals and Humans in Urban Space (ARCH+, 2021), and contributions for the Hammer Museum (Los Angeles, 2022), the 58th Carnegie International (Pittsburgh, 2022), the mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (Vienna, 2022), and the Biennale Architettura (Venice, 2023).
While bees are currently esteemed as universally valued bringers of life, there is another insect that can’t be left off of any Buzzfeed listicle of the world’s deadliest animals: the mosquito. No other animal accounts for as many human fatalities as this insect. That’s why the eradication of mosquitoes is a typical focus of philanthropic initiatives, from the Rockefeller Foundation to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. But what if the front lines are not so clear-cut?
Volumes 12 and 13 of the Publication Series