Aleksei Borisionok Read Bio Collapse
Aleksei Borisionok is a curator, writer, and organizer in Minsk and Vienna. He is a member of the artist-research group Problem Collective, as well as the working group Work Hard! Play Hard! He writes about art and politics for various magazines, catalogues, and online platforms including L’Internationale Online, Partisan, Moscow Art Magazine, Springerin, Hjärnstorm, Paletten, and among others. He is currently researching post-socialist temporalities.
burn, on fire, alight, inflamed, glow, ablaze, fervent, go up in smoke
Lecture-performance by Olia Sosnovskaya
The weekend after the terrible 2020 elections, protesters gathered in front of the museum. Stella, the monument to victory, was wrapped in a huge white-red-white protest flag. In the following days, the museum was suddenly transformed into a site that the state had to “protect,” by any means, from its people. Military forces descended on the museum every Sunday during the autumn of 2020. Already made rugged from gestures of political subversion and unrest, the space was then surrounded by barbed wire and militarized police forces. This policed border separated the history of anti-fascist movements displayed inside the museum from a contemporary instance of the same struggle.