No.2 Jiuxianqiao Road
100096 Beijing
Beijing Art Summit is initiated by the SevenStar Group, an enterprise that owns and runs Beijing’s 798 Art Zone. Many years before Chinese contemporary art developed into today’s scale, the 798 Art Zone trailblazed a sustainable ecology for contemporary art with international galleries establishing a foothold there as early as 2002. It has since developed into China’s largest and most dynamic center for contemporary art with influential institutions such as Ullens Center of Contemporary Art (UCCA), Faurschou Foundation, and M Woods Museum, and major galleries such as Long March Space, Pace Beijing, and Galleria Continua. In 2017, SevenStar launched Gallery Weekend Beijing, bringing together Beijing’s various contemporary art platforms, commercial and non-profit, to create a cohesive and coordinated art festival. Beijing Art Summit further expands SevenStar’s overall vision of sustainable art ecologies further by inviting people from all over the world to discuss important issues together on an annual basis.