75014 Paris
YGREC is a public exhibition space managed by the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts in Paris-Cergy (ENSAPC). Both acting as a satellite and mirror of the ENSAPC, YGREC is a place for research and interactions between the cities of Cergy and Paris. Taking the directions of an art centre, as much producer as promoter of promising young artists, YGREC asserts itself as an alternative path dedicated to question and reinvent the practice of contemporary art. As a solid structure of contemporary art production and circulation, YGREC accompanies the emerging scene and develops bold artistic projects. It is as much a place that exhibits productions as a space of collective work that makes them live. It has the capacity of adapting itself to the projects that it hosts: exhibitions, performances, concerts, film projections or publication launches. As a place of encounters for the ENSAPC lecturers and students, YGREC thrives in remaining a place for exploration, research and professionalisation, together with a link between educational and artistic practice that it constantly rethinks.