Buenos Aires
In keeping with the spirit of experimentation that made the Instituto Torcuato Di Tella mythical as one of the most advanced interdisciplinary creative centers of the 1960s in Latin America, the Di Tella´s “Programa de Artistas” is an eighteen-month program that provides young visual artists, critics, and curators with an intensive experience in which to reflect on and produce contemporary art. The aim of this coexistence between artists and curators is to offer a unique opportunity for exchange whereby the practices and positions pivotal to the arts are explored critically in the framework of a shared experience of collaboration. The “Programa” provides participants with a group studio space (for the first year); access to the University’s library; access to the archives of the Instituto Di Tella; equipment for video editing; and access to a carpentry workshop (upon request). Parallel to the program, the Art Department organizes a one year-long Film Program, a series of Exhibitions, and public programs.