JUNCTURE engages artists, curators, scholars, students and human rights practitioners in a yearlong exploration of the rich intersections between art, artistic practices and international human rights. The initiative is sponsored by the Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights, in cooperation with the Yale School of Art and the Yale University Art Gallery.
The initiative encompasses research collaborations with three artists and a playwright, fellowships for Yale MFA students, a multidisciplinary graduate seminar, publications, public lectures, and the Robert L. Bernstein Symposium.
In particular, JUNCTURE seeks to accomplish the following: (1) articulate and debate essential questions about the relationship between art and international human rights, situating those concerns in historical perspective and within the practices of contemporary artists; (2) provide creative, financial and institutional support for artists, in a flexible, artist-driven process; (3) explore models of collaboration between the arts and human rights practice; (4) contribute to the development of academic knowledge, artistic practices and advocacy techniques.
James Silk, clinical professor of law and director of the Schell Center, is the director of JUNCTURE. David Kim (JD, ‘17) is the curator and deputy director of JUNCTURE.