34430 Istanbul
The Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) has been organising the Istanbul Biennial since 1987. The biennial aims to create a meeting point in Istanbul, in the field of visual arts between artists from diverse cultures and the audience. The sixteen biennials İKSV has organised up to now have enabled the formation of an international cultural network between local and international art circles, artists, curators and art critics by bringing together new trends in contemporary art every two years.
Considered one of the most thought-provoking art events, the Istanbul Biennial embraces an exhibition model which encourages a dialogue between artists and the audience through the work of the artists instead of a national representation model. The curator, appointed by an international advisory board, develops a conceptual framework according to which a variety of artists and projects are invited to the exhibition. The largest international art exhibition organised in the region, Istanbul Biennial plays a critical role in the continuation of a conversation between the local and international scene. Istanbul Biennial promotes knowledge and artistic production through the exhibition and alternative learning programmes and generates tangible and intangible spaces that bring together a wide range of visitors.