You are invited to contribute your own unrealized projects to AUP’s growing archive. Contributions can include text (DOC) and image files (two JPEGs or PDFs up to 2MB each). Please fill out the form fully and tag the project accordingly. Once completed, your project will be submitted for approval.

Project for the Initiative Mahnmal Homosexuellenverfolgung, Frankfurt  - Jeff Wall

Engel-Detektor - Jakob Gautel & Jason Karaïndros

d'un projet dédié aux victimes de la Shoah. - Christian Boltanski

My House - Uri Tzaig

Ceinture - Huang Ping Yong

Cruzeiro Do Sul, (Southern Cross) (Crucero del Sur) 1969-70* - Cildo Meireles

The lmprobable Flow - Larry Bell

Aus: Katalog 'Kunst bleibt Kunst' - Hans Peter Feldman

Memorial - Ilya Kabakov

Untitled, modeled after the Leipzig Völkerschlachtdenkmal...  - Jenny Holzer

Agency of Unrealised Projects
Logo by Liam Gillick