Critical Cooking Show - Laura Wilson - Veda


Laura Wilson


Laura Wilson, Veda, 2020.

Critical Cooking Show
January 2021

In Laura Wilson’s Trained on Veda, a malted loaf and evolving artwork connect bakeries and galleries through veda bread. This film departs from that work, exploring and discussing collective memory, embodied knowledge, and the passing on of traditions, recipes, and gestures through the preparation of a recipe, punctuated by clips from video works and interviews with Wilson’s collaborators.

Wilson is joined in the kitchen by chef Irem Aksu; they discuss the word “veda” and cook a collaborative dish—Trained on Veda Almond Tarator with Baked Hake and Samphire Tempura—inspired by veda bread and their respective heritages (Northern Irish and Turkish). Former collaborators—choreographer Lucy Suggate and archaeologist Dr Melanie Giles—join by video call to discuss the traces left on our bodies and muscle memory.

Critical Cooking Show is a collaboration between e-flux Architecture and the Istanbul Design Biennial within the context of its fifth edition, Empathy Revisited: Designs for more than one.

Food & Cooking, Memory, Collaboration, Folklore & Tradition
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Laura Wilson develops sculptural and performative works, in collaboration with specialists, exploring how history is carried and evolved through everyday materials, trades and craftsmanship. Her works have recently been exhibited at Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, V&A, The British Museum, and The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London.


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