February 20–April 22, 2025, 6:30pm
Department of Architecture
3/F, Knowles Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road
852 Hong Kong
T 852 3917 2136
We live at a pivotal time. Geopolitical shifts, global volatility, unprecedented migrations, diasporas, climate crises, health crises, and looming recessions are colliding.
Increasingly scarce resources—from the biosphere to the economy—and extreme unbalances in their distribution, call for action. The global model as we knew it requires some reconsideration if we are to prevent continuous meltdowns. If crises are opportunities to discern, and, examine, what is The Good Life? Under the current fast-changing conditions, one question is how architecture and territorial strategies may be able to evolve and gain relevance in a global arena to provide better housing and more livable and inclusive cities.
These, and other issues will be discussed and teased out from our speakers which include David Erdman (United States), Kenneth Goldsmith (United States), Minsuk Cho (South Korea), Xue Tan (China), Deane Simpson (New Zealand/Denmark) and Florian Idenburg and Jing Liu (Netherlands/China/ United States) .
The series has been conceived and organized by Alessandra Cianchetta, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, HKU.
Lecture schedule
Location: KB419, 4/F, Knowles Building
Thursday, February 20, 6:30–8pm HKT
“Archipelagic Infrastructures; a planetary perspective” by David Erdman, Founding Director of Center for Climate Adaptation (CCA) and Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Pratt Institute. Live via Zoom. Meeting ID: 927 4937 7619 / Password: 338073
Tuesday, March 4, 6:30–8pm HKT
“Downtown 81” by Kenneth Goldsmith, Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Visual Artist and Cultural Theorist. Live via Zoom. Meeting ID: 982 9270 2761 / Password: 241054
Friday, March 28, 6:30–8pm HKT
“Notes on Time” by Minsuk Cho, Founding Principal of Mass Studies. Live via Zoom. Meeting ID: 948 3868 0730 / Password: 034701
Tuesday, April 1, 6:30–8pm HKT
“Bodies in space, museums in transition” by Xue Tan, Chief Curator and Head of Programme and Exhibitions, Haus der Kunst München. Live via Zoom. Meeting ID: 941 1624 8632 / Password: 585041
Tuesday, April 15, 6:30–8pm HKT
“Spatial Regimes of Welfare, Well-fare, and the Good Life” by Deane Simpson, Professor of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning, the Royal Danish Academy. Live via Zoom. Meeting ID: 936 6920 7861 / Password: 451321
Tuesday, April 22, 6:30–8pm HKT
“Campus” by Florian Idenburg and Jing Liu, Principals and Founders of SO – IL. Live via Zoom. Meeting ID: 940 9100 9712 / Password: 502256
With the support of U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau
Enquiry: arcevent [at] hku.hk
All lectures are open to the general public. Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis and no prior reservation is needed.
CPD Credit Hours and AIA CES Learning Unit Hours are offered to members of the HKIA and the AIA. An attendance record sheet will be provided at the venue entrances for members to register their attendance.
If you wish to add the lecture series to your Google calendar, please select the following link: Google calendar.